Essential Elements of Your Beginners Running Program
Are you looking for a beginners running program to start off your running? Look no further! Check out this article to learn the tips and tricks for beginning runners.
A beginners running program is designed for those with little or no running experience. I think most runners will agree with me when I say that the most critical part of a running program is the beginning part where you learn the basics,

adjust your running style, and test your endurance.
Running programs for beginners are designed to let you start off slow and easy. Do not expect immediate results; instead, give your body time to build your endurance and adjust to your new exercise routine. It is also important to develop a positive attitude towards the initial challenges that await you.
Choose a running program based on your current fitness, your health, and your goals. As a beginner, you will want to start with doing run/walk intervals. These help you get used to running and help you develop more stamina. Here are a few pointers to consider before starting your beginners running program.
How Fast You Should Walk
Most training programs for beginners involve more walking than running in the first few weeks of training. You will need to do a brisk walk – do not jog, do not speed-walk.
How Fast You Should Run
A common mistake that beginning runners make is to run too fast, too soon. You do not need to run at the pace of experienced runners. Allow your body to slowly adjust to your running style by running at a pace wherein you are still able to carry out a conversation. This is also referred to as the "easy pace" or "conversational pace" and is an integral part in any sensible running program you will use in the future.
Making Your Run/Walk Intervals More Comfortable
When you do a lot of run/walk intervals, it may be useful to get a device called the Gymboss. It functions as a timer that lets you customize your running and walking durations. If you need to alternate four minutes of running and two minutes of walking, all you have to do is clock in these details into your device and it will automatically give you a warning as to when you need to change your pace. This is a pretty efficient device that will make your run/walk intervals more comfortable.
Warming Up and Cooling Down
You do not need to warm up when you are doing "easy pace" running. Easy pace is equivalent to the pace of warming-up so it is not necessary to warm up if you’re just brisk walking or running at an easy pace. However, you do need to cool down at the end of your running program, no matter what pace you’re at. I suggest you cool down by walking for a few minutes, do some light stretches, drink some water, eat something if necessary, and then hit the shower.
These are all the things you need to keep in mind to do a successful beginners running program. Remember, there are no shortcuts to achieving your running goals so do not rush but take things one step at a time.