Golf Short Game – How To Master It
If you really want to improve your Golf short game, which is anything within 100 yards of the flag, then first you need the right equipment in the bag...
If you really want to improve your Golf short game,

which is anything within 100 yards of the flag, then first you need the right equipment in the bag to do so.
Gary player once said that, “70% of shots are played within 70 Yards of the green”. This was later, scientifically proven by David Pelz in his fantastic book, The Short Game Bible. Mr Pelz set out to find out “Why the top earners on the PGA tour, were the top earners”. What he found out was that it was their ability, to get it closest to the hole, from 100 yards and in. This even outweighed their ability to putt! The top putters on the PGA tour, were not the top earners.
So do you have the clubs in your bag to cover 70% of your shots? My guess is….Probably Not!
Most beginners and high handicappers only carry one wedge. Consequently, they try to hit anywhere between 10 and 100 Yards with the same club. This makes accurate distance control, on every short shot, virtually impossible. If you’re such a golfer, then it really is time to consider adding one, or two more wedges to your bag. If this means the sacrifice of one of your long irons, in order to confirm to the 14 club rule, then so be it. After all, how often or how well do you use that 3 iron anyway? With various wedge lofts available, (anywhere from 52 to 64 degrees), from all of the major manufacturers. Consider three wedges with a four degree separation, i.e. 52, 56 and 60 degrees of loft.
Now… Armed with your 3 wedges. You’ll need to get down to your local park and practice. How much should you practice? Well, doesn’t it make sense that if 70% of your shots are going to be golf short game shots, then 70% of the amount of time that you spend practicing, should be specifically on this type of shot? Yet I find that very few golfers do. Instead they’d rather beat balls at the driving range, often with no specific target, or goal in mind.
So trust me on this. Get to the park this weekend. Take a 100 Yard tape measure, and spend some time getting comfortable with your new wedges. Hit nice easy (80%) swings with all three of your wedges. Hit 20 Balls with each wedge. Discount the furthest and shortest five balls. The center measurement of your cluster of ten balls is your average for that wedge. Write it down and put it in your bag.
Try and do this once a week and you’ll soon find that your grouping will get tighter, and more consistent. Not only that, but on the course, your golf short game will soon be the envy of your golf buddies.