It is the order of the day that every time there are more people who do sport, but there is also a growing trend of people fleeing the overcrowding and gyms and seeking to exercise in a more controlled manner, with more effective training sessions and above all a more personalized attention.
In my circle of friends as in the circles of friends and acquaintances,
every time I see more people who like to make a small investment in themselves and achieve their objectives of physical improvement in much shorter time limits.
Find your personal trainer ideal and make an average of 2-3 sessions per week is the order of the day and is becoming increasingly common.
How much will I collect a personal trainer?
It is clear that there is a fee set at national level and there are always factors that can raise or lower the price per session. In the free market of personal training, I have colleagues who train from 20 Euros the hour up to 45 Euros the hour. I would say that the price varies depending on:
1 Thing that occurs to me is the level of difficulty and dedication that you required to his coach. For example, a sedentary habits person who wants to lose weight to an athlete in active than accurate advice and a plan to prepare for a test or Championship isn't the same.
The hours that your personal trainer must devote in each case to prepare the session are not comparable.
2. Another point to keep in mind is who can offer the space and equipment for training.
If you have at his own home in a large space and also have a minimum of material that allows her personal trainer to train him properly, you can get a considerable discount on the price/time and is probably the best way to be bound to exercise at home and not failing!
Consistency is always the most difficult to achieve and that the figure of the personal trainer has a lot to say. I would say, without any doubt, that a personal trainer that compels you to exercise is the secret of success and the reason that so many people are opting for this option to the detriment of the gyms.
3. Also occurs to me that many of us would be willing to make a special price for a person to train consistently 3 days per week, because such clients allows us to organize ourselves well and optimize our time to know how long we will stay a month for other customers. Start each week without knowing exactly if you have to prepare 10 or 20 workouts per week is chaotic for the personal trainer.
I think that many of us prefer to agree a minimum session per month and negotiate a discount for that reason. This option is positive for the person who trains because it obliges not to failure and thus achieve the goal.
As to the question whether it is really worth hiring a personal trainer, the advantages already cited previously, think what you like most people I train is the variety of sessions.
A good personal trainer is a person who listens and knows how to read and interpret the tastes of his client to prepare enjoyable and different workouts a week after another. You are paying a trainer that trains you efficiently, i.e. maximum results with minimum possible commitment, but you also must require you have fun training. Nowadays there are so many studies and different ways to train effectively; if your Personal Trainer is professional you will have fun training.