Driving deer can work almost anytime, but it's ... useful when deer won't budge from thick cover. When staging a drive, a group (or a pair) of hunters splits into two groups: drivers and poste
Driving deer can work almost anytime, but it's especially useful when deer won't budge from thick cover. When staging a drive, a group (or a pair) of hunters splits into two groups: drivers and posters. The drivers walk through holding cover, trying to push deer toward the posters, who sit still waiting to ambush driven deer.
The key lies in choosing the right area to drive. First, you need patch of cover that holds deer, such as a daytime bedding area. Second, the area must not be too large for your group to effectively push. Third, the area should offers some predictability as to where the deer will go when driven.
Drivers need to stay close enough together to keep deer from slipping through the gaps (the thicker the cover, the closer together they should be). Posters should sit downwind of drivers in an area (preferably elevated) that offers clear shooting lanes. For safety's sake, drives should be carefully planned; everyone should wear hunter-orange clothing and always be aware of each other's positions.
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Hunting Tradition Passed On
It’s a cold crisp winter day, cloudy and damp, just right for still hunting or stalking game in the woods of central Texas . The hunt takes place in Bosque Co. just west of Lake Whitney which is a mixWhitetail Deer Fawns
... fawns are usually born in late April through early June. The ... fawn ... weighs between 4 and 8 pounds at birth. Like most newborns the first 48 hours of life are crucial to surWhitetail Deer's Digestive System
Deer are ruminant animals which means they have a four ... stomach similar to cattle. A ... ... about the ... stomach is that it allows the animal to gather a lot of fo