MMA Gloves increases protection
The article talks about the importance of using MMA gloves. It also states about the better protection to using them.
Two players fighting in a ring of six sides is called MMA or Mixed Martial Arts. It consists of a number of types that include karate,

judo, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, boxing and even kick boxing. In MMA players can use both fists and feet for a fight which is unlike the sport of boxing. Players use a variety of methods to beat their opponents which can include striking (hitting with hands and feet) and grappling (getting the other player to submit). One thing that should be kept in mind is that MMA is not an Olympic approved sport and is not likely to ever be included in it. Before MMA was considered dangerous and its result was death of the players and but not anymore. Since 1993 the UFC has implemented a lot of rules which has made the game more safer and more watched by the community. MMA is now considered a sport that is in par with wrestling and boxing. The business of pay per view is also introduced in MMA due to its popularity. One must use mma gloves during their fights to be protected and to protect others players too. Concerning MMA there are a lot of rules that are to be implanted when two players are fighting. Players must observe the rules concerning both weight and their equipment. Other than the usage of gloves there is no other equipment for the other players. Fingerless gloves are used by players when fighting to enable grappling. Bruises can be avoided using these gloves. A special tape is wound around the hand of the player to avoid any damage to the fist. When fighting, gloves of varying weights are used by the player. Some are considerably lighter from the other ones. There are two categories of gloves concerning weights:
1. Professional players uses 4oz gloves during a fight.
2. The amateur players who have just started fighting have to wear gloves that are 6 oz (ounces) heavier. This is because as they are new to this sport and they have to protect their fists.
Many issues have been faced concerning safety of gloves. This is because in boxing when a person hits the opponent on the head using his gloves, the other player may sustain a heavy injury in the eye. It is a volition by a player to hit on the head in a MMA fight, whereas in boxing it is legal. This may cause a damage to the hand of the player which is dangerous. Mma gloves are the basic requirement to avoid injuries. Researches that have been done on the gloves has revealed that big gloves are the actual cause of big injuries, whereas small gloves don't create big issues. The injuries because of big gloves might be brain injury or eye injury. In the past boxers never hit to the face and the brain because they resulted in long term brain fracture, but it was avoided as the gloves were not introduced then. 4oz gloves are for professionals and 6oz are for amateur and these are the only two types of mma gloves. 6oz is heavier then 4oz to avoid injuries and increasing the protection. Amateurs must use these gloves while learning so that they don't get any kind of injury.