Golf fitness exercises that are the most effective are rotational in nature, incorporating your core. This is the engine to your swing! If your core is weak or restricted, you will have a very difficult time generating clubhead speed and power at impact.
Golf fitness exercises don’t need to be grueling, sweaty and in a gym to be effective. The beauty of athletic training is the value of using your own body and minimal equipment to get maximum benefit.
Many golfers feel they don’t have the time or resources to implement a golf fitness exercise training program; and yet they’ll hit balls 2-3 times a week and spend hundreds of dollars on clubs and gimmicky training aids.
If many of these golfers took a step back and asked themselves “have I improved with this approach”, I’ll bet most of them would say no. The reason being it’s not your equipment, it’s YOU! Your body dictates your performance. Period! If the machine is broken, the swing will be too.
I can’t say this enough. Until golfers realize it’s their body’s keeping them from a better game, they’ll continue to walk off the course frustrated and contemplating quitting the game.
I read a statistic the other day quoting how many golfers quit the game every year. It was a HUGE number! I wonder why so many golfers are quitting? I can only guess it’s because they are not enjoying it, because they have invested time and money and not seen results.
Implementing a few simple golf fitness exercises can make all the difference. I want you to picture the “main movement” in the golf swing. It’s “rotational!” So why wouldn’t you improve your rotational strength and flexibility?
This is a must!
You’ve got to come up with a program; hire a golf fitness trainer; or search for a program on the web by typing in terms like golf fitness, golf exercises, even golf training. Talk a little time reviewing the results and then ACT.
Get it going right away! Don’t put it of any longer. The sooner you start the sooner your game will improve.
To get the quickest results, take a look at core rotational exercises when reviewing these programs that implement golf fitness exercises.
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