Golf training and conditioning exercises are not as difficult as most people think they are.
It is important to understand that these exercises are very different from many of the rigorous exercises that you will often see athletes using to condition their bodies and stay in shape.
For example golf training exercises using weights are not designed to built bulky muscles. Usually much lighter weights will be used and will be lifted more times as opposed to normal muscle-building training which will involve much heavier weights being lifted fewer times. The muscle-building exercises will also call for longer hours of exercises daily. Golf training exercises will usually take very little time.
What is more is that many golf training stretch exercises can easily be carried out in your office, while still seated at your desk or work station. This means that even if you have the sort of schedule that leaves you with practically no time to spare, you can still find the time to put in some serious golf training exercises that will take your game of golf to another level that you have never known before.
There is plenty more evidence that golf training exercises are not as rigorous and difficult as some would want to believe. For example in my golf training exercise programs I have worked with very young and very old golfers with the same success. Youngsters will have difficulties taking in extremely rigorous exercises and so will senior citizens.
Golf training exercises are not designed to help prepare you for a record-breaking 100 meter dash down the track. Or for an Olympic gold medal in weight-lifting or gymnastics. The training schedule for these accomplishments naturally require lots of will power and discipline to even start.
Instead golf training exercises are usually very specific and are designed to impact particular aspects of your golf game.
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