Golf specific exercises are part and parcel of the modern day golf game. Yet many people associate golf specific exercises with exercises used in other sports and by other athletes involved in more rigorous sporting activities.
For example many golfers look down on golf specific exercise that involve lifting weights. The fear that they will develop muscles which will tend to make them stiff and less flexible in their golf game. Everybody knows that flexibility is very important in golf.
Yet the truth of the matter is that golf specific weight exercises have nothing to do with building muscles like a weight lifter. This is because lighter weights are used and the lifting action is repeated more times. The effect of this is to build strength and not muscles.
Strength in muscles has a remarkable effect on the quality of a golf game, especially when the muscles targeted are all “golf muscles”.
The other wrong image people often have about golf specific exercises is that there are as rigorous and as demanding as the sort of exercises one would find in a marine corps training program.
This cannot be further from the truth, especially when some of the golf specific stretch exercises can be done from the comfort of the office or the home. Some can even be effectively carried out on your chair in the office, without you having to get up from your chair. Stretch exercises are some of the most important and critical golf specific exercise. It is important to warm up before this exercises and also after you game of golf.
Again these warm up exercises need not be as difficult as you probably imagine. It can be simply a brisk walk from your car to the course.
Achieving a good enjoyable game of golf these days has become very difficult without the help of golf specific exercise.
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