Where Do You Look If You Are Unable To Work Out Why Your Golf Swing Is Not Working

Nov 18


Donald Saunders

Donald Saunders

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If you have encountered a roadblock and cannot work out why you are having difficulties with your golf swing then this article could just provide you with the answer to your problem.

Almost all golfers,Where Do You Look If You Are Unable To Work Out Why Your Golf Swing Is Not Working Articles and particularly novices, spend more time studying and improving their swing than they spend on just about any other aspect of their game. Whether you learn from a fellow player or professional, work with DVDs or read about different swing techniques and exercises in golfing articles or books, you will spend months and even years shaping your swing.

However, every now and again you will come encounter a brick wall and will find that something is wrong but you are unable to put your finger on it and figure out just what you are doing wrong. So where do you turn for assistance?

Well, surprising as it may seem, this extremely common situation often has a simple cause that hits not only new golfers but also fairly seasoned players and that is that without realizing it you are allowing your back shoulder to dip towards the ground while making your back swing. This problem can affect all golfers, but is most often seen in players who have a horizontal, rather than vertical, swing plane and happens because you permit your back shoulder to drop as the plane of your swing becomes horizontal.

So exactly how can you fix this problem?

Fortunately this is one very commonly seen problem that it is also quite easy to fix with a little bit of work on the practice ground and all you need to remember to do is to take an old golf ball along with you.

Prepare yourself to to tee off and then, before you start your practice, take your old ball and place it on the ground under the heel of your back foot pressing it into the ground so that the ball is just about half buried. Then, as you are practising your swing, ensure that your ball does not get buried any deeper. This seemingly simple action will stop you from transferring unwanted weight onto your back foot and, in so doing, stop your back shoulder from dropping.

Placing unwanted weight onto your back foot can give rise to a number of problems with your golf swing and so this simple exercise will not only solve the problem of a dipping back shoulder but will fix a variety of other problems at the same time.