3 Mobile Strategies that CIOs should Work Upon
The main target of a CIO of any company across the globe is to innovate and transform his business. Enterprise mobility gives CIOs, a perfect launching pad to deliver business value such as revenue growth and agility.
The main target of a CIO of any company across the globe is to innovate and transform his business. Enterprise mobility gives CIOs,

a perfect launching pad to deliver business value such as revenue growth and agility. These mobile apps make company systems and processes more stable, intelligent, instrumented and interconnected. CIOs that have recognized the power of enterprise apps have started implementing them in their firms resulting into reshaped of business models, increased collaborations, and enhanced productivity and last but not the least, improved customer relationship. In this write up, we will be discussing about three business areas, where CIOs can initiate a significant transformation by implementing mobile apps culture.
Capturing efficiencies by mobilizing processes – CIOs can derive huge benefits from real-time data access and capture such as retrieving and updating customer records, managing inventory, keeping check on the prices and processing sale transactions. Capturing data while rendering services reduce data entry time and diminish the possibilities of mismatched entry. Further, it reduces the chance of incorrect billing and data entry. By allowing employees to adopt mobility, CIOs can help their businesses in shortening the sales cycle, improving data quality and enhancing customer satisfaction. The example of a renowned pharmaceutical company can be illustrated here perfectly. This company shaved 45 days of its receivables collection by allowing its employees to use an app. This tablet app allowed them to log drug samples right at the point of delivery.
Cresting new value by tapping into context – Mobile apps culture enables companies CIOs to push beyond differentiation through cost reduction. This concept provides features such as presence, location, motion and environmental conditions that can be used by CIOs to augment the quality and efficiency of ongoing processes and workflows. Progressive insurance, a leading car insurance company for example, has devised a program called "Pay as You Drive". It allows drivers to lower their premiums based on real-time analysis about their driving habits. A sensor placed inside their vehicles is programmed to capture real-time data and send it for further analysis. After 30 days, drivers can log in to their account and see what kind of discounts their driving habits have earned for them. Furthermore, they can compare the data to see what alterations in their driving habits could earn them more discounted premiums.
Delivering business agility by integrating mobiles, clouds and analytics in the office – CIOs can keep changing the IT infrastructure as relationships between employees, customers, partners and suppliers move towards dynamism. By integrating mobiles, cloud and real-time analytics, they can deliver business processes that are employed to collect data at the point of service and proactive and workable insight. This insight emerges from close monitoring of contexts such as location, prior behaviours, and time of the day. Recording time of the day is important, as it allows CIOs to determine what information is most in demand by employees and customers at a specific point of time. By integrating analytics with location and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) app, a company CIO can push the respective customer insight such as recent financial, specific news and articles, support call records and record/status of all current and past orders to designated smart phone device.
As far as my perspective goes, at the present day, a CIO of a company has the power to transform the entire business model by implementing mobility concept in every section of the office. The only condition is that an effective strategy should be implemented before allowing employees to go mobile. The CIO should analyze pros and cons of implementing this culture and mull the most over the security issue relating to enterprise mobility.