Automation testing offers a host of opportunities for young minds for an amazing career, because of its rapid growth across the globe. This article looks into hte things one should know in order to be a successful professional in this domain.
Software testing is continuously evolving with the introduction of advanced tools, approaches and technology. Today, manual testing is being taken over by automation testing, with more and more SaaS firms investing in the automation of their QA process. This has created a huge demand for skilled QA professionals and aspirants are looking forward to a career in test automation. So, whether you are about to start your career or an experienced manual tester looking forward to making the switch, here are 5 important things to know.
1] You Cannot Eliminate Manual Testing
It’s true that today organizations out there are focusing on a complete shift to test automation. However, being a QA professional, you should master the concepts of manual testing before moving on to automation. Take a closer look at the differences between the two and you’ll understand that automation can never replace manual testing completely. In other words, you just can’t be a successful tester by ignoring the principles of manual testing.
2] A Thorough Understanding of the Application is Key
This one is kind of a no-brainer. You cannot be a successful as a QA professional unless you understand the application at hand – it’s purpose, how it is expected to perform, the details of the functionalities and the likes. Here are a few pointers you should ask yourself:
3] Automation Testing Tools Play an Important Role
When you want to become a QA professional, you must be acquainted with the various automation testing tools that are available in the market. Most organizations today have either switched or in the process of switching to automation and the next generation tools like TestComplete, QARA Test and Katalon Studio have shaped this revolution. Hence, in your career as a QA professional, you shall see yourself working extensively with these tools. So, get started by getting a hands-on experience working with them to get a deeper understanding about them.
4] It’s Important to Develop your Own Strategy
As you move ahead in your career as a QA professional, you should focus on developing a strategy to approach automation testing for the organizations you work with. It might sound daunting at first, but as you get a deeper understanding of the tools and the automation testing life cycle (ATLC), you will have the understanding required to create a strategy that works. Needless to say, every project will have a different set of requirements, but having a strategy in place will make it easier for you to get the job done quickly and more effectively.
5] It’s Important to Stay Updated
If you want to become a successful professional, you must be aware of the latest buzz from the world of testing. Look for the best practices, along with the most popular tools in the market. Also, if you keep a tab on all the new developments, you are likely to come across useful tips and tricks that might offer you amazing insights for your next project.
The Final Word:
Just like every other field out there, you must be dedicated to become successful as a QA professional and above all, be passionate about your job. Working in this field can be challenging as every project is different with a unique set of requirements. However, if you begin with a clear approach and a willingness to innovate and think out of the box, you’ll find it easier to taste success.
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