In order to implement enterprise mobile solutions, organizations need to consider certain factors that influence its success. This article enlists these factors for you.
Enterprises mobility is the need of the hour for enterprise across the globe and one of the key reasons is that both organizations and employees can benefit from it. No wonder then that organizations are increasing their focus on implementing enterprise mobility in order to reap its benefits. Several leading IT firms like The Digital Group, MiracleTek, ClickSoftware and many more are offering highly effective strategies to help business implement enterprise mobile solutions.
However, implementation of enterprise mobile solutions is not as simple as it sounds because it involves integrating mobility into the business operations and also bringing in changes in the way the operations are carried out. Keeping this in mind, what organizations are looking for right now are strategies that can help them implement enterprise mobile solutions with maximum success. While it goes without saying that every business is different with a different set of goals to achieve, there are certain factors that are key to the success of enterprise mobility solutions and some of the key factors are given below.
1] Support for Multiple Devices and Operating Systems
The numerous mobile devices available in the market today has left developers of enterprise mobile solutions developers baffled simply because of the mammoth task of making it compatible across all of them. Add to it the multiple operating systems (Android, iOS, Windows & Blackberry) and their numerous versions, and the task at hand only gets more complex than ever, not to mention the escalating cost of making the solutions compatible with each combination of devices and OS possible. So, a good idea is to target the most commonly used devices and OS and then keep including more with time.
2] Cloud or On Premise
Gone are the days when on premise applications were the norm. Today, with the option of cloud applications available, what you choose depends on the type of business processes you wish to automate, the total number of users, and the level of security you wish to implement. However, the fact is that more and more organizations are moving on to cloud because of its many benefits, chiefly reduced cost of operations, among others. After all, it can be expensive to maintain the infrastructure and server of on premise applications. Also, cloud offers increased security of data.
3] Speed and Quick Response Time
When you introduce enterprise mobile solutions in your organization, it goes without saying that speed and response is one of the key factors that determine its success. THIs is because employees would require to access a variety of apps, some of which might prove to be more taxing on the server. Hence, speed and quick response time is essential to ensure a seamless and highly optimized experience. After all, today people are used to get things done in an instant and so waiting for too long for the server to respond is not something that will appeal to them.
4] Enhanced User Experience
Before you switch to enterprise mobility, it is important to note that the screen of a mobile device is different from that of a desktop screen and so when you optimize an app for mobile, it is important that you keep this difference in mind. The complex click-based functionalities that are possible on a desktop screen do not always translate to a smooth experience on mobile. Hence, these functionalities need to be redesigned keeping in mind the touchscreen of mobile devices.
5] Advanced Data Security
When you have employees accessing your application through multiple devices, data security becomes the topmost priority. In fact, if you don’t consider implementing advanced security features in your app, then it can get really vulnerable to threats and attacks. Hence, security controls should be a part of your mobile strategy, aiming for a two or three layers of security to protect the confidential data and information. However, you should ensure that the security controls don’t interfere with a seamless user experience.
6] Native, Web or Hybrid App
You can choose to build a native application, a web application or a hybrid application, and you need to make the choice carefully. A native app is one that is built specifically for one OS, be it Android, iOS or Blackberry. The biggest benefit of a native app is that it offers a look and feel that is similar to other apps for that OS/platform, which makes for an intuitive app.
Hybrid apps, on the other hand, are nothing but websites disguised as apps. They can, at the best, be described as websites packed with a wrapper of a native app. These apps look and feel like a native app but are built using JavaScript and HTML5.
So, unlike native apps that are applications which reside within the mobile device, a hybrid app loads as the user navigates through the application. So, native apps offer some amount of off-line access while native apps offer none. This can make a difference in how users interact with the app and so which one you opt for depends on your mobile strategy and requirements.
The Final Word
That was all about the key factors influencing the success of an enterprise mobile solution. It is one of the most fruitful investments that organizations can make today. You should also switch to mobility to reap its multiple benefits. All you need is a good mobile strategy to work with.
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