Alternative energy generation
An article on alternative energy and its status in current scenario....
In some form or the other alternative energy has always been used all over the World. The solar energy though not harnessed was utilized by prehistoric man which was followed by the discovery of harnessing fire. Instantly fire became an element of reverence which shows how important energy generation is to mankind.
The discovery of coal was the next thrust in energy consumption based of fossil fuel. The automotive industry augured the usage of petroleum which is another form of fossil fuel. The next generation fuel is the nuclear energy derived by processing fissile material.
However nuclear energy at the present juncture cannot replace or mitigate the usage of fossil fuels. The use of fossil fuels is causing carbon emissions much above the accepted levels creating havoc by temperature disturbance and harmful climate changes.
The urgency has augured a quest for alternative energy generation which comes many from sources. Most popular alternate energy sources are windmills,

solar energy and controllable nuclear energy. These energy forms are being generated in the World today.
The most weight age is being given to generating power from windmills and solar but the cost is high. With greater technological development cost will come down and implementation will become easier. Technological breakthrough in engineering will increase power generation from alternate sources. Nuclear energy is being targeted by technology advanced countries in order to reduce energy generation from thermal power plants and hydroelectricity.
Installing turbines for wind mills is costly at the moment and is dependent upon location. There should be sufficient wind flow for windmills to operate efficiently. Like wise nickel cadmium based cells are costly but with sufficient sunlight solar energy generation become cheaper.
Alternative energy is being generated in big way in order to reduce carbon emission and costs. More research in engineering and mechanical sector is required for progress in this field. In coming period the energy generated from windmills, solar installation and nuclear sources will increase sufficiently. This will help in reducing carbon emissions from fossil fuels and fill in the gaps of electricity generation in Asia.