AMSOIL was the first to make ... motor oils, and is the only company that ... a 25,000 mile 1 year drain ... Since I have been using AMSOIL motor oil in my cars, I have noticed a r
AMSOIL was the first to make synthetic motor oils, and is the only company that recommends a 25,000 mile 1 year drain interval.
Since I have been using AMSOIL motor oil in my cars, I have noticed a real difference in their performance. My 1994 Nissan Sentra LE with 81,000 miles on it had a smoother idol and acceration, with a more quiet ride along with better gas mileage. I went from 32MPG to 34MPG!!! So far I have put 8,000 miles on my car's motor oil and it has never driven better.
I had my motor oil tested at an independent analysis lab and it turns out that my car's oil is cleaner than most Bottled water. Even after 6 months and 8,000 miles my car had no soot build up,no signs of breaking down, only 24 parts per million of iron deposits, my kinimatic viscosity Index at 100C dropped from a 11.7 to a 11.5 meaning that the oil had been virtually untouched.
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