Android Smartphone vs. Android Tablet: Which Do You Prefer?

Feb 14




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Smartphones running the Android operating system have been the highest selling mobile devices last year. While their sale is projected to rise further, Android powered tablets have also become one of the most popular gadgets of the current mobile market.

Smartphones running the Android operating system have been the highest selling mobile devices last year. While their sale is projected to rise further,Android Smartphone vs. Android Tablet: Which Do You Prefer? Articles Android powered tablets have also become one of the most popular gadgets of the current mobile market. Largely owing to its larger screen size and having all the properties of a smartphone with additional features, tablets may well the next best selling Android device. Let us make a comparative study of both forms of mobile devices to help you decide the best between the two:

1. Browsing the web – A tablet is said to provide better browsing experience when compared to a smartphone. Since the tablet screen is larger, the browsers such as Firefox and Opera provide a browsing experience comparable to that of a desktop. Also, the larger size of tablet keyboards makes it easier for users to type in their requirements.

2. Calling and social networking – While the size of a tablet is a matter of convenience in several cases, it does not help in the case of taking or making calls. It is easier to rest our face on a smartphone while talking. The reason why we say that accessing social networking sites on smartphones is more convenient than updating a status on Facebook or tweeting using your tablet is because the former are handier. A tablet is not as handy and thus cannot be whipped out of bags or pockets immediately, especially in a crowded surrounding.

3. Watching a movie – The clear winner of this category is the tablet because of its larger screen size when compared to smartphones. Watching movies or other shows on even the 4.2 inch smartphone screens is not only strenuous but also harmful for the eyes.

4. Portability – Owing to its smaller size, an Android smartphone can easily be carried around in pockets or in small wallets. An Android tablet on the other hand always requires its own case for being carried while on the go. A smartphone is thus more portable than a tablet.

5. Doing professional or personal work – The choice between completing any task at hand, whether personal or professional, using either a smartphone or tablet, depends entirely on the user. For instance, a marketing professional can use the Android powered phones to access social networking sites or makes calls to individual promoters and advertisers. But a financial analyst, who generally deals with blueprints, whitepaper, and budget reports throughout the day, requires a bigger screen to work.

6. Battery longevity – There have been repeated complaints about the battery life of Android powered mobile devices. But it is true that with the advent of a new phone, the quality of battery also improves. Being smaller in size, smartphones cannot house big batteries. While the average battery longevity of tablets lasts for two to three days if charged completely, an Android smartphone has to be charged everyday in order to function properly.

7. Picture quality – Though the megapixel capacity may be higher in tablets, Android smartphones are best for taking still pictures. Android tablets can be used only in the case of making business video calls, because of the larger screen space.

Though the above discussion highlights both the advantages and disadvantages of smartphones and tablets in order to compare both types of Android devices, the choice of usage entirely depends on the mobile needs and expectation of the user.