Cash for old Mobiles
Get cash for your old mobile. Almost everyone gets their phone upgraded eventually and when you do, you may as well sell it, for cash!
Not only is selling your mobile for cash beneficial to you but also you benefit the environment too. This is because the old mobile can be reused or recycled for it’s parts. As every mobile contains a small amount of gold,

each handset is worth selling to be recycled.
There are many services on the web that allow you to choose your phone and reveal a price of how much they will pay in cash for it. These services will accept almost all makes and models of handsets. Some only accept a few hundred models while others may accept thousands of variations.
They will pay cash for working or non-working and faulty models. They show you a price for a working model then another price for a mobile with a fault. The faulty price can vary and sometimes you actually have to send the phone in before they can give you a quote. They are not usually able to send a phone back though.
Getting cash for old mobiles is really easy. You could go down the route of selling it yourself through eBay or finding a colleague or friend that may want to hand over money for it. But instead, why not take the easiest and most efficient route and use a mobile phone recycling service like one from the links below.
They will send you cash either by cheque, Paypal, bank transfer, charity donation or gift vouchers. All you have to do is send the phone in once you have been through their website. It doesn’t cost anything and most of the services will send you a pre-paid envelope in which to post your old mobile. Alternatively you may wish to send more expensive handsets such as smartphones by special or recorded delivery so that it is insured.
When sending off a mobile be sure to clear off your personal data. This can often be done quite easily by doing a factory reset in the settings. If you can’t do this or if your phone is faulty enough that it wont even turn on, then rest assured, the recycling services have a privacy policy to ensure that any sensitive or personal details do not fall into the wrong hands and are erased.
Once in the envelope and after it arrives, they will inspect the phone to ensure it’s in the condition described. Once good they will send your payment. Turn around of them receiving the phone to you getting cash is typically between 2 and 7 days. Each site varies. The link below summarises how long their turnaround is and the maximum amount they pay for mobiles.
If you are not doing it for the cash, then do it for the environment. Recycling a mobile phone for cash is one of the greenest things you can do and with so little effort. The benefits are pretty big as you are preventing rare elements being mined and processed which are very carbon intensive and damaging. Why not just sell it for cash instead? See the link below for an amazing list.