Cell Phone Radiation Harms The Human Health
The reason use of cell phones is the facility and ease, which they have brought in the lives of people.
The use of mobiles has been increasing by each passing day. The reason of increased use of cell phones is the facility and ease,

which they have brought in the lives of people. In earlier times, only businessmen used this technology and people who belong from upper class society, as these phones were extremely expensive, but now this technology has become affordable and kids also have mobile phones in their hands. This is the reason, why the number of telecom companies has been increasing by each passing day. On one hand communication has been made so much easy because of this technology, but on the other hand, it has brought several health related problems in the lives of people. The zracenje baznih stanica can be very dangerous. The risk on the health of growing kids is far more than adults and aged people. Therefore, you should discourage the use of cell phones by your kids. People are not aware of the risk, which they bring in via this technology. The towers and the cell phones emit radio frequency waves and electromagnetic rays. These waves can damage the health of our brain and heart. The reason is that when we make calls or attend calls, we hold our cell phones close to our brain. In this way, the waves directly affect our brains, which results in the brain cancer and tumor. On the other hand, on keeping the cell phones inside our pockets, which are placed at the area close to our hearts, also destroys the health of our heart. These waves damage the functionality of our heart muscles and it has been confirmed that cell phone radiation has become one of the major reasons of heart stroke and attack. The installation of cell phone towers has also made our lives unhealthy. Telecom companies have become so much professional and they have become blind, in order to earn big bucks, they do not realize that on installing towers in urban areas can damage the lives of the people, living in that area. More and more towers are being installed just to increase their network. Communication towers should not be installed in this way, but there should be a defined law and the authorized committees should reform and enforce these laws strictly, so that no one can break them. These authorities should not sanction the licenses to telecom companies to install towers in residential areas. The heat, which is emitted by the
zracenje baznih stanica, can be highly hazardous. This heat can increase the chances of fatigue, lack of concentration of people on their work and can harm your health in various other ways. People used to be so much unaware that they did not even know that the towers, which have been installed, nearby their homes are not giving them any kind of benefits, in the shape of improved quality of signals, but now things have been changed. People are being informed and they have started taking this issue seriously. They are aware of the fact that the zracenje baznih stanica and communication towers can be hazardous. This change is considered to be the positive one and it is the beginning of a positive change.