3G (3rd Generation) is the past now and 4G (4th Generation) is where we stand in cell phone technology. By calling it 4th generation, it simply implies that we have progressed in terms of how fast our cell phones can send information and the quality of the information that is sent from them. All in all, there isn't much comparison to be had. But let's take a look anyway.
According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 3rd generation cell phones provide a 14 megabit per second download rate and a 5.8 mb/s upload rate. As of right now, modern 4th generation cell phones provide a 100 megabit per second transfer rate. This means that users of 4th generation cell phones will be able to download, search the web, and/or use their applications significantly faster than 3rd generation cell phones. The 3rd generation cell phone frequency band ranges from 1.8 ghz to 2.5 ghz where as the 4th generation offers 2 ghz to 8 ghz providing users with better voice communication quality and faster data transfer depending where you are located.
4G is the first network that is purely packet-based and a packet-based network is optimal. 3G network is a network that allows it's user to transfer information wirelessly or wired (circuit-based), where as the packet-based network means to send and receive information throughout the network completely wireless. There are no disadvantages for a purely packet-based network when compared to 3G. 4G is just the next step in modern network technology combining and refining everything previously used in the 3rd generation.
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