Design advice and IT facilities to attract clients and customers
Previously thought of as an unimportant consideration, offices generally used to be of dull and unexciting designs; however, this is rarely the case today.
A great deal of business today is all about making a good first impression on your clients and demonstrating success and the style of your company. Typically,

the style of design depends on the type of business you are and implied creativity within the industry.Especially beneficial for companies within creative industries, good office design is highly effective as it demonstrates a degree of creative flair quickly and efficiently. Add some more panache to the office with facilities, as this can increase the impressiveness of the business, as well as helping to motivate employees and increasing the monetary value of the business.This however has not been ignored by other companies so it could be complicated trying to emulate their success without copying their design. Within business operations, it can often be beneficial to take a risk and hope that it will pay off, but sometimes it is hard to know what to do. Listed below are top factors to help with getting the most out of your office design - both monetarily and stylistically.1. Style Office Around Company Motifs: Why bother repeating the company name if the client is already there? Basically, repetition is the ideal to make a name stick in a clients mind and a themed office will be instantly memorable and create a lasting impression. This idea has been employed in a number of offices, such as Twitter who base an office colour scheme on their website, as well as emblazoning the walls with the company logo. It can help to put previous work or reviews on the walls, as this can reinforce the positive results that the company has created.2. Open Plan Workplace: An open plan is one of the most effective ways to impress clients as well as encourage staff interaction and make intelligent use of office space. Especially suited to start-up companies, making use of the office space to spread staff around is advantageous, as this shows that the company is confident and smart. It also helps to show a flexible nature and creative flair - all key to the success of a business.3. Cultural Art: A common problem with a large number of offices is having dull and bare walls, which not only show a lack of imagination, but also a poor use of potential. Generally your choice of decor depends on the industry you are in, media companies might put film posters or pop-art up, whereas a tele-sales agency may use motivational artwork. It is important to get a consensus on your choice of art to ensure that everyone will be happy with it.4. Free Wi-Fi For Clients: You would be hard pushed to find a company that does not use the internet in some way today; however cable connections are still preferred by some companies instead of wi-fi. While a cable connection is easier and sometimes safer than wireless, it doesn't generally leave a lasting impression on clients. You may also want to think about iMac rental that way if the client does not have one then you can provide them with one.Whilst it might not seem a lot, most clients would be impressed and grateful to surf the internet at your offices - however it is vital to protect an unprotected network, as this could be leeched by other users, but it will show dedication and a good service by offering passwords to clients. Clients will then be able to use online software and check all of their e-mails, potentially helping to speed up the securing of a business deal, thereby benefiting your company significantly.Essentially, it is up to your company to decorate your office as you see fit, taking note of the cost, to ensure cost-effectiveness. These are some straightforward recommendations to consider and will help to optimise the layout and potential of your business.