Some instructions for maintaining computers within an office.
For some years, workers in offices use the same computer and began to notice your machine slowing down, as well as having difficulty loading several programs at once. As computers often do, they become filled up with junk, unused documents and programs that simply remain unused.
Under this strain,

you will find that even running an internet browser alongside a word processor can become increasingly difficult, as well as causing overheating within the machine, which can cause a serious hardware fault.However this can be solved by following a few simple guidelines that can be implemented in a cheap, quick and effective way that requires little technical know-how. Below are top tips for maximising the efficiency of your office computer:1. External storage - Regardless of what work is being completed in the office, it is vital to protect and backup documents in case of drive malfunction. This can be easily achieved with an external hard drive, which are high-spec, offering a sizeable amount of space. These are a great way to ensure that you never lose your documents for use on other computers in the future.2. Purchase another router. The majority of companies today utilise online services; whether they are writing online or trading, the internet plays a major part for many businesses. Consequently, this can cause heavy traffic on a single router, leading to potential slow down. However, with the use of two routers, you can afford yourself faster internet, greater security, a backup (if one router malfunctions) and increase wireless network reach.3. De-fragment the system and get rid of older files - Workers are typically required to install a number of programs, some of which are only to be used only once and not needed again. Some of these programs may open on start-up, which can often take up a lot of RAM - these can quite easily be uninstalled or disabled on start up. Simply open the Start bar -> Control Panel -> Uninstall, or for start-up configuration, open the run box and type msconfig.exe, then navigate to the start-up tab and un-tick anything that shouldn't be running.4. You may want to have a central computer. A lot of the time computers run slowly because of a lack of memory, to solve this you could have a central computer and then connect it to personal computers. Then this central hub would have enough memory for all of your work-related tasks and it would not be as slow as your current system. This means that you could connect to the hub by using a tablet, for instance an iPad. You could then look into buying a iPad 3 standwhich can help you to work on the iPad much easier.5. Organise the desktop screen, much like a real desk. You can be as productive as possible if you keep it well maintained and tidy. Sort your folders properly and for extra clarity, keep them in clear dated folders. This will not produce a significant speed benefit for your system, but it does make sorting and simplifies document checking.6. Install the latest Operating Systems. This may seem an expensive measure, but you will see a massive advantage to keeping your OS updated. As software is consistently being upgraded, it is vital to use an up-to-date operating system.There are an array of ways to increase the speed of computers - some costlier and harder to install; however all are worth it as they will simplify work and positively influence productivity.