Digital Camera - Taking Care Of Exposure Controls
Exposure control is a key feature of digital cameras. Learning to tame it can make you a skilled photographer. Read on to know more.
Now that you have decided on the type of digital camera you need,

its resolution and the price you are likely to pay for it, you must have come close to making a decision about which models to consider. But there are still a few criteria to be evaluated before you take a decision.
One of them is the basic photographic controls. There might be colorful features like automatic panorama modes and bracketed color parameters, but the ones you need are the basic controls which will help you to take your favorite shots. So the next thing you should look for are the controls in each model along with the interface which will make these controls easier to understand and access.
Exposure control - It is one of the basic controls you should be interested in a digital camera. This will depend on your decision to buy a fully automatic snapshot or an advanced camera. With the advance in technology, automated cameras have become very common with manual controls being available in specially designed and costly ones. Manual controls help you to deal with the harsh back-lighting problem in a better way. Manual controls will keep the colors and tones in the right way. It will give you the necessary control in many exceptional situations.
Parameters of exposure control - The parameters used in exposure control are aperture, shutter speed and ISO. There are various shooting modes which provide a control over your exposure in a digital camera. One of them is the program mode which takes all the decisions regarding exposure. These are suitable for most occasions. More difficult situations demand the use of preset exposure modes. It is tailored to offer different options for different situations. The best is of course the priority modes. The aperture priority mode lets you set a particular aperture allowing the camera to select the relevant shutter speed. And the shutter priority mode lets you choose the shutter speed.
Reciprocity - By choosing a proper aperture and shutter speed, you can control the amount of light focusing on the image sensor. Your objective is to get an image which is just right in brightness and which covers all the details. But if you change the aperture in one direction, you have to change the shutter speed in the other direction. Therefore, the relationship is said to be reciprocal between shutter speed and aperture. This means that for a number of positions of both parameters, light striking the focal plane will be the same. Some digital cameras provide an automatic reciprocity control. This is a useful feature you need to keep an eye on when buying a digital camera.
Exposure compensation control - There is a light meter in a digital camera which makes sure that you get the perfect combination of shutter speed and aperture to get a good image. But sometimes, there is a need for under exposure or over exposure which can be done only with manual controls. The exposure compensation controls helps you to do this. Almost all types of cameras have this feature which can provide the under or over exposure. Make sure that this feature is easily available to you in the camera. Opt for the camera which either offers this on its body or through a menu within a touch away. You should be able to do this without compromising with your grip over the camera.
ISO scale - Another important feature you should look out for in a digital camera is the white balance and ISO. The ISO scale measures the film speed. The faster the film, the less exposure and lower light it will require to be shot. But graininess increases with film speed. Thus, you need to select a type of film and its speed, which will remain the same throughout the roll. Having made your decision about the exact features necessary, you can now make your choice and buy the best digital camera for you.