Doc Imaging KPI Make Great Indicators of High Performance
It is important to know if the documents imaging you are using is the best. Through doc imaging KPI, you will know what doc imaging to use and to avoid.
The primary problem with many offices and businesses is the amount of hardcopy files and papers they generate each day. Compound them all up and you get tons of paper stacked in boxes. This is a real headache and the dilemma is in the sense that these loads of documents will eat a lot of space. It may be necessary to rent a whole warehouse for these documents. Although you can always shred and recycle them,

most documents are needed for future use so disposal is out of the question. Looking for a particular document stored months ago will take a lot of time and effort to locate. On top of that, this whole scenario will cost a lot of money when it comes to securing and maintaining documents. This is where document imaging comes into the picture. Doc imaging makes an exact copy of each document and stores these in your computer system. Selecting the right document imaging system for you is the tricky part. It is here that the use of doc imaging KPI is very useful.
There are a lot of key performance indicators that determine if the document imaging system you plan to get is indeed the ideal for your company. The first thing you should assess is if the doc imaging software you are buying is easy to install. Try to see also if it can be running and accessible in a few hours upon acquisition. In business, time is of the essence so look for this particular quality. Set the standard to a minimum of under 2 hours or so. It depends on what you want. Accessibility is also a key issue. Make sure that not just one person but the whole department, or even the whole enterprise, can use the said doc imaging within a short amount of time.
Retrieval of documents is also a key attribute of document imaging. Make sure that the software that you are going to use can easily pull up documents. The most important benchmark is when a user will just type a keyword or phrase then he or she will be able to get the documents needed. However, do not sacrifice quality for speed. Determine if the images are of good quality as well. You can determine this by making a test copy of a document, comparing them if what you see on the document is also clear on the monitor. Look at the letters and see if there are any smudges.
Another key performance indicator for a document imager is if the software itself is compatible with any imaging equipment you own. There are many imaging applications available today. It is important that your document imaging software will work with no glitches or potential problems. Also, when buying a scanner or copier, choose the one that makes the best copy. Another key aspect that you should also consider is compatibility. The whole system must be able to assimilate and use the software with relative ease. Although many systems are compatible with these document imagers, it would be best to choose the one that has the feature of hardware independence.
To maximize the potential of your selected document imager, always come up with doc imaging KPI. Look into these performance indicators and follow them methodically. By doing so, you will be able to save your business or company a lot of money, time, and effort. For any kind of business, that will definitely spell efficiency and profit.