The concept of BYOD (bring your own device) has spread across enterprises large and small. This means that a large part of the enterprise workforce carry their personal mobile devices to work. According to mobile market researchers, only enterprises that maintain a strict pattern of security for screening the mobile devices entering the periphery of the workplace will be able to record quicker mobilization through the deployment of mobile applications.
The concept of BYOD (bring your own device) has spread across enterprises large and small. This means that a large part of the enterprise workforce carry their personal mobile devices to work. According to mobile market researchers,

only enterprises that maintain a strict pattern of security for screening the mobile devices entering the periphery of the workplace will be able to record quicker mobilization through the deployment of mobile applications. Whether the enterprise is a small or big one, there is always a hierarchy of workers at the organization. Understandably, the documents accessible to the senior management level are not meant for use by the junior workers. Similarly, tools and documents meant for use by the human resources team of an organization should not be accessible to the sales team. These factors are ensured by maintenance of the security of the mobile devices deployed at work. If the security aspect is not adhered to, mobile apps may be used to hack sensible funds and resources related to the working of the organization. Smartphones and tablets are prone to hackers who may be present within the organization too. Mobile apps should be uploaded to only such devices which have passed the security tests arranged by professional IT teams in enterprises successfully.
Apple’s iPhone, a BlackBerry handset, or an Android smartphone, all these devices are vulnerable to the nefarious attacks made by clients of the enterprise, workers from other departments, or a competitor organization. It is hence the duty of an enterprise to conduct a thorough research on the possible types of attack that may be launched at these mobile devices and their OS platforms, identify any such attack affecting devices deployed within the organization, and find effective solutions for eliminating security risks that threaten to plague work progress. It is only after this thorough security process is conducted, can mobile apps be chosen to run in the devices deployed in an enterprise.
Listed below are few mobile device security causes that affect the deployment of mobile apps in an enterprise:
1. An inconsistent enterprise patch management system that leads to lack of firmware updates
2. Occurrences of theft of a deployed mobile device or loss of the data that is stored in it
3. Distributed system of access of mobile device data and faulty storage policies adopted for such data, so that the information becomes accessible to competitor enterprises
4. Appointment of unskilled, inexperienced, or unqualified people for handling the security issues related to tablets and smartphones.
5. Use of improper mobile codes; this not only leads to but also encourages malware, leakage of sensitive data, unlimited access to the intellectual property of an organization, and exposure of critical secrets that the company may be holding from competitors and selected departments within it.
Deployment of mobile applications should be started only after the security issues involving mobile devices have been identified and eliminated. Therefore, an enterprise should deploy apps only after the below listed steps are adhered to:
1. Trained personnel are hired for assessment and securing of the mobile devices
2. Penetration testers are hired to detect any potential threat that mobile devices and apps may be facing
3. Network administrators are to be installed in every mobile device assigned by the enterprise or brought to the office premises as part of BYOD campaign
Remember, only secure mobile devices can ensure mobilization through mobile apps.