Mobile computing has developed a strong foothold in enterprises, in the past decade, giving rise to a new branch of computing known as enterprise mobile computing or enterprise mobility.
Mobile phones have become lifelines for people from all sectors of society. Right from their morning alarm to their favorite song before sleeping, and a list of activities throughout the day like scheduling events, making notes, browsing for information on the internet and the latest trend of being connected over social media, are all carried out on mobile devices.
In the process, mobile computing has also developed a strong foothold in enterprises, in the past decade, giving rise to a new branch of computing known as enterprise mobile computing or enterprise mobility.
This field deals with the concept of integrating mobile computing in the daily activities and processes of enterprises. In order to obtain the maximum potential of the technology, enterprises have to leverage the current mobile technologies present and create a manageable wall between personal and enterprise.
Cloud computing platforms have given a new dimension to enterprise mobile computing. Since even the modern devices have limited storage capacity, the cloud provides a common storage of all the required resources of an enterprise. Employees who are provided with a unique Identification and password, can access the company’s sensitive information stored in secure servers, through their respective mobile devices through the cloud. Moreover, with various types of enterprise applications like ERP applications and enterprise content management systems which are available for all mobile platforms, a user can perform nearly all of the tasks which were earlier performed on a desktop computer. This not only saves a huge chunk of company resources, but also makes the task at hand, a lot easier.
With the coming of the cloud, 4G and high performance mobile systems, all mobile platforms like Android, iOS and Windows Mobile are trying to get third party initiatives to develop enterprise applications which can be utilized to small, medium or large businesses. RIM on the other hand, develops blackberry enterprise applications themselves which can be bought only at the blackberry’s online store.
Enterprise mobility has made it possible for the entire business to be on the move. Executives carry smart phones wherever they go so they can access and modify company databases even when out of the office. Tasks are handled and decisions are made in real-time. This change has resulted in enterprises largely benefiting from cloud services due to the mobilizing of enterprise data and increased productivity of existing mobile application development and services. As mobility is an ongoing process, newer mobile technologies will make it even easier to do things in the future.
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