No doubt, evolution of mobile technology has revamped everything. The biggest alteration is the introduction consumerization of the IT sector, which has changed the way in which people (including employees and customers) interact with each other and take the deal forward. They have made customers take deeper interest in the company and feel more intimately connected.
No doubt,

evolution of mobile technology has revamped everything. The biggest alteration is the introduction consumerization of the IT sector, which has changed the way in which people (including employees and customers) interact with each other and take the deal forward. They have made customers take deeper interest in the company and feel more intimately connected. A survey says that the global enterprise mobility market is expected to grow at a CAG rate of 15 percent and reach USD 140 billion by 2020. Under these circumstances, a business owner can derive numerous benefits from enterprise mobility apps. Let us review a few of them here.
1. Enhanced productivity – Usage of mobile apps has proved its direct involvement in enhancing the productivity of the employees every now and then. Since, it allows them to work remotely almost any time of the day, they can contribute more towards the progress of the company. In addition, with the help of enterprise mobile apps, employees can stay in constant contact with their team lead and supply every vital information as soon as it is received. Apps also allow them to stay in touch with the team members and coordinate in augmenting the revenue.
2. Cost reduction – This point allures every business owner to have a closer look at enterprise mobile apps. They help business owners save a considerable amount of capital in almost every segment of the business. The most prominent area where a business owner can save money is purchasing and maintaining entire IT infrastructure. Business owners can do this by adopting BYOD culture at their workplace and allow employees to use their own devices for professional purposes.
3. Increasing revenue – There is no conclusion of the ways in which enterprise mobility apps can help in improving the reputation of the business. They give us the ability to reach millions of customers by just a few swipes. By adopting Business-to-Consumer apps for their mobile devices, entrepreneurs can accelerate and establish direct interaction with customers (existing ones and the newcomers).
4. Improves decision making authority – Wise decisions taken on time put a lot of positive impact on businesses and their revenue. These decisions need to be thought upon thoroughly before taking but enterprise mobile apps help business owners take them instantly and wisely. Since, they have access to all the vital data; they can view it at once and take major decisions straight away.
In the beginning of this write up, I mentioned how the global market for enterprise mobile apps is going to shape in next 6-7 years. In the same line, here are a few more facts about how we have been using these enterprise mobility apps
The very first fact is that 73 percent of the global enterprise workforce is comprised of mobile workers.
Secondly, a global survey revealed that around 88 percent employees have to access corporate servers while they are not in the office premises.
In the same survey, 3 out of 5 employees said that despite not working from office premises, they have been able to sustain their productivity.
Around 72 percent respondents stressed that their personal devices should be allowed to use in offices.
More than 58 percent mobile using employees said that they hate enterprise content and applications that are not optimized for use in smart devices and other BYOD devices.
Around 74 percent tab users said that they use their personal tablets for professional purposes either partially or completely.
Most respondents say that they miss "print" feature in BYOD devices and enterprise mobile apps. Around 50 percent employees want this feature and this percentage is expected to grow to 75 percent in next three years.
The financial sector is the biggest adopter of enterprise mobile apps with 52 percent companies already using it followed by hospitality industry with the adoption rate of just over 50 percent.
Around 75 business owners experienced significant growth rate after deploying enterprise mobility apps.
More than 80 percent employees experienced a boost in their capabilities after adopting enterprise mobile apps.