What to Go For? Enterprise Apps from App Stores or Custom Enterprise Apps
For small business owners and start up businesses, there is always a kind of money scarcity. The arrival of enterprise mobility although has brought a number of benefits but only after you have invested a handsome amount of capital.
For small business owners and start up businesses,

there is always a kind of money scarcity. The arrival of enterprise mobility although has brought a number of benefits but only after you have invested a handsome amount of capital. I would say there is no necessity of getting mobile apps for your business but this will push it five years behind in terms of competing with your competitors. Free market apps are an option but ironically, most of us don't know the difference between free market apps and custom enterprise apps. I am sure, many business owners out there know that free enterprise apps can be as profit generating as paid enterprise apps. With so many aspects to consider, it becomes tough to decide whether to pick free apps available in the app stores or get business specific mobile apps for your business.
No doubt, free apps have numerous advantages over customized enterprise apps. These include cost saving as in most cases, they are available free of cost as well and time saving. As mentioned above, they can give some benefits of customized enterprise apps but there could be a few drawbacks as well. These drawbacks could be more threatening when it comes to applying them in business operations. Experts say that by engaging free enterprise mobile apps in your business functions, you prepare the ground for paying a much bigger price as declining performance, threat to the security of corporate data and unsatisfied users. Another hassle that you have to come across is that the app selected by you for corporate use would not be compatible with various mobile OS used by your employees.
As far as customized enterprise apps are concerned, no doubt they too have cons but just the 5% as compared to cons of free enterprise apps. This makes them more useful and safer for entrepreneurs use. The biggest drawback is the cost of getting an app developed. Small businesses and newcomers would not be able to afford getting enterprise apps built by top-notch app development companies. However, you can get them built according to your business requirements and get charged for, only the functions that you ask to include. Moreover, customized apps often fulfill all the requirements of a business without any extra functionality, as there are in free enterprise apps. In terms of free apps, first you have to hire an app developer, familiarize him with your requirements before he could start modifying that free app by cutting down unnecessary features and including necessary features.
All these arguments make it a tough job to select an app for your business. However, there is another option that allows business owners to have enterprise apps of their choice and command them as well i.e. own enterprise app stores. Business owners can not only keep free enterprise apps picked from app stores but also keep them with customized enterprise apps that they built on their own. This allows them to control their enterprise apps and make sure that everything is under the budget.
Mobile business apps are the future of any enterprise and slowly, they have become a necessity from just an option. Even if you plan to run the enterprise mobility program in the future, start thinking about it today and devise strategies to integrate both free enterprise apps and customized enterprise apps for your business.