Find Out More About Cell Phone Functions
There are so many functions incorporated into the modern cell phone that it has become many things to a variety of people but definitely something that you must have. Manufacturers it seems develop cell phones now with facilities that are aimed purely at the younger generation because they are more likely to want to change their phone as each new model is launched.
For a time the cell phone was perhaps considered a plaything of the wealthy and a tool for businesses but not anymore with it fast becoming the most important piece of technology you can own. Modern children have grown up with the cell phone as part of their lives and do not understand that many of us grew up safely and happy without the need for them,

although the majority parents believe that their child will remain safe while they own one. It is true that no-one expected the popularity of cell phones to be what it is today. Even though the number of available functions in today's land based telephones has improved, there is still a long way for it to go to compete with the cell phone. There has always been a need to individualize each phone and manufacturers have come up with unique ways to achieve this with an enormous variety of ring tones and screen backgrounds called cellular phone wallpaper.
Now, changing your wallpaper couldn't be easier with web sites set up just for this purpose. Newer cell phones can also send images from one phone to another so your friends can share similar backgrounds, even from the built in digital camera. If you prefer you can use an image you have captured previously on your own digital camera but the process takes a little longer to install.
Why not add some text as well, possibly something funny to your cellular phone wallpaper, just to add a little more of your personality. However, if your cellular phone does not support uploading backgrounds, do not despair, this does not mean you will not get the benefits of owning a cell phone. Additionally, models even without wallpapers can still have their own personality; personalized ring tones may do the job of giving your phone personality as well. e. making calls.The ability to change backgrounds and ring tones is for many just the icing on the cake so as long as it can make calls, that is enough.
The functionality of the cell phone should not come second to customization and new backgrounds will not help you send an urgent text or call will they? Your phone does not need these additional features such as unusual ring tones or fancy cellular phone wallpapers to operate and if it came to the crunch, what would you prefer; a model that worked when you needed it to or one that just looked attractive? Although not remembered these days, you should always exhibit good telephone etiquette and not use your phone when it disturbs others. You are not your phone so when you make calls remember that people are judging your behavior, not your phone's appearance.
There are many locations where it is not suitable or accepted that a cell phone should be used and you will have more respect from others if you turn it off when you are in this type of situation. Good behavior can be catching and yours may lead others to do the same, be different, do not do what others do just because it is easier. Respect and good telephone etiquette are a way to show others by example and should lead or shame them into doing the same.