Cool Prototyping provides top quality “one-stop” product design services such as: rapid prototyping, molding, and product manufacturing
To the greatest extent practical, Functional Prototype attempts to simulate the final design, aesthetics, materials and functionality of the intended design. The functional prototype may be reduced in size in order to reduce cost. The construction of a fully working full-scale prototype and the ultimate test of concept, is the engineers' final check for design flaws and allows to made last-minute improvements before mass manufacturing runs are ordered.
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Title: Functional Prototype(Working Prototype)
Author: rapidprototypes
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How long does it take to produce computer models and physical prototypes?
Cool Prototyping offers a wide range of product design services – rapid prototyping, molding, which includes plastic injection molding, and manufacturing processesCooling System
Cool Prototyping offers a wide range of product design services – rapid prototyping, molding, which includes plastic injection molding, and manufacturing processesDigital Prototype
Cool Prototyping is a leading supplier of individual services such as: product design, rapid prototyping, injection molding and manufacturing. We can also fully integrate the various processes of creating prototypes, whether it be combining the rapid prototyping, molding, including injection molding and our specialty in plastic injection molding, with many other manufacturing services into a cohesive product