Green roof systems
Learn on how green rood systems make peoples' housing ecofriendly and pollution-free!
Green roof system is one which combines plants,

soil and natural elements so as to form ecosystem on the roof top. This system is quickly growing in popularity. The green roof system is a kind of system that provides for a roof of a building that is wholly or partially covered by vegetation. Various designs of green roofs are being seen today and this is part of maintaining a good environment. They are said to support landscaping. When designing the green roofs great attention is paid to the aesthetic appeal. Three types of green roof system exist. There is the modular, the pre-cultivated and the complete. Modular roof systems are the ones that are on top of a roof system that is already in existence. Vegetation blankets that consist of plants and growing medium that are rolled on roofing systems are what forms part of the pre-cultivated roof systems. Lastly the complete roof system has a lot of components in which a roof membrane is part of it. Green roof systems have its benefits. First it is known for improving storm water management. It stores water in substrate where it is used by plants then it goes back to the atmosphere through evaporation or transpiration. It is said to be of much help when it comes to extending the drainage systems lifespan. They do these by reducing the water volume which they receive. Secondly, the system is of importance because of the fact that unwanted heat is reduced. They absorb sunlight instead of transferring it to the inside of the building. It is good when it comes to reducing air conditioning demands by 75%. It acts as an extra layer of insulation. Green roof systems look beautiful. They are said to increase the value of a building to those who want to buy it. It improves the energy efficiency hence increases real estate value. It is of much help when it comes to reducing the noise that is outside the house. They are important in offering a barrier to the noise that is outside the building. When building green modular homes, sustainable materials are used. Materials that are used are the ones that have been taken from the natural resources. When decorating green modular homes, great attention is paid to green initiative. This kind of homes is cheaper to build. Green roof system is important when it comes to filtering pollutants that are in the environment. This is particularly of great importance to communities in urban. It offers people with a clean atmosphere. It also saves money by increasing the roof lifespan. Government agencies have been offering support to this project because of the fact that they promote a greener and a cleaner environment. Use of green roof system is known for improving the overall appearance of a place and it is a kind of roofing that someone can be proud of. Key cities in the world are using green roof system in building schools, medical facilities, corporate buildings and other structures.