Health Care and Lifestyle Apps Both Getting Equally Popular
Smart phones in amalgamation with mobile apps have developed into a matured source of delivery of numerous health related services. This has activated a new jargon called the mHealth, which is slowly developing into a dedicated sector. It has made healthcare industry, one of the biggest users of smart phones and mobile apps technology.
Smart phones in amalgamation with mobile apps have developed into a matured source of delivery of numerous health related services. This has activated a new jargon called the mHealth,

which is slowly developing into a dedicated sector. It has made healthcare industry, one of the biggest users of smart phones and mobile apps technology. A smart phone could be a perfect place for an app that can monitor what you eat, how you exercise, when you exercise, when to take medicines and in what quantity. Then, there are apps to keep track of vital functions of your body like heartbeats, pulse rate, blood sugar, blood pressure etc. Another benefit of having them in your pocket is that you can instantly check how many calories; your doctor has permitted to consume and enjoy your meal accordingly. The contentment is different on your face, when you finish an exercise session prescribed by your cyber trainer, as you have saved probably hundreds of dollars by not hiring a trainer in person. Mobile health apps allow users to monitor blood pressure, heart beats in a natural environment, and this is a boon for the patients. Mostly patients' experience rise in blood pressure as well as heart beat as their appointment with the doctor inches closer. Diabetes patients can avail benefits of mobile apps by checking their blood sugar level instantly. They can serve as an alarm for elderly people to summon help in events of fall. There are hundreds and thousands of healthcare and lifestyle apps available in the market to make us look and feel better and live healthy.
However, the concept of mHealth is not the only one to make us live a healthier life but lifestyle apps also offer the same services as mobile health apps. The lifestyle apps can help you save considerably on healthcare services as well as improving your way of living. They are particularly handy for patients of chronic illness or old age issues. Users can cut costs in a number of ways, despite improving the quality of the services. For example – Skype consultation with doctors is gaining popularity slowly, as they save us from waiting outside doctor's cabin for hours.
Mobile apps have also been acclaimed hugely for helping those living in remote areas where access to better healthcare services is not easy. They allow users to snapshot and upload details of their ailments and injuries, send them to doctors in NY or CA hospitals and seek their consultation. The concept of mHealth is slowly becoming a lifeline for most developed, developing as well as non-developed countries.
Consumers in the form of patients not only can avail benefits of mHealth or mobile app concept, but also doctors. They can get instant access of EHRs, which is perhaps the most important thing for any doctor. Secondly, they get instant access to data and records as well, and they don’t have to rush to their cabin every time, switch "on" their PC to access any information. Every information about the patients handled by them is now available on the devices held by them all day.
A research says that the younger generation is the biggest consumer of mobile health apps, whereas acceptance is still lesser among older people. Lifestyle apps are mostly used by youngsters because they are more interested towards bettering their lives. The case of mHealth apps is completely different because they are something that would benefit people from all age groups thus everyone would embrace them.