Data Collection Advantage® for Visibility is an integrated solution providing site configurable data capture. Visibility Corporation ( is a leading developer and supplier of business software solutions designed for the unique needs of project-based, engineer-to-order and to-order manufacturers. Visibility's Enterprise Application solutions help midsize manufacturers of complex products operate their businesses effectively. Visibility has an extensive customer base throughout North America and Europe and has the strongest representation of ERP among complex manufacturers.
According to Steve Carson, Executive VP of Sales at Visibility Corporation, “The goal was to offer a streamlined process simplifying time capture for a variety of manufacturing activities suited to a lean environment, as well as, validate the integrity of information before reaching the VISIBILITY ERP solution. Our partnership with HighJump Software, provides cost effective solutions that drive productivity gains in data capture applications that include labor, time and attendance, project information, material movement, and other cost related transactions.”
Visibility’s partnership with HighJump Software (a 3M Company) of Eden Prairie, MN, continues to add value for Visibility’s manufacturing clients, witnessed by the high level of adoption and satisfaction. is an integrated ERP solution and more. Offering unparalleled functionality and integrated workflow, this browser-based solution cost effectively delivers the power of .NET-based Web services for use with either a Microsoft SQL Server™ or Oracle® database. Conducting business any place, any time, any where is a reality, deployable with unprecedented flexibility.
Jaclyn Aldrich
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