How to Use It to Drive User Engagement and Product Adoption

Oct 8


adnan aslam

adnan aslam

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Discover how in-app messaging can drive user engagement and product adoption by guiding, educating, and connecting with users.

Most often,How to Use It to Drive User Engagement and Product Adoption Articles when you need to convince someone, you keep communicating with different words that may have the same meaning. Similar things are done by SaaS companies, they incorporate in-app messaging to maintain an active connection with their customers. In-app messaging is considered to be the most powerful user engagement tool. It also contributes to enhancing product adoption. 

It is way more different than other traditional communication channels like email, as it is integrated with analytics and has targeting capabilities. 

In-app messaging is impactful due to its versatility of applications. It is used to provide guidance, announce new updates, and ultimately encourage deeper engagement. 

In this comprehensive article, we will explore the significance of in-app messaging in product adoption along with its implementation. 

The Role of In-App Messaging in User Engagement

As the market keeps evolving, marketing strategies have also been transitioned in pace. This powerful tool plays a vital role in improving customer experience along with engagement. Compared to other communication tools, in-app messaging has more relevancy. It is designed to understand user's pain points, preferences, and expectations. It’s easy to tailor it by comprehending the actions and interests of the end users. Since it’s been present within the app itself, the users do not need to step out of the app. Users get contextual information within the app through it. 

The significance of In-app messaging is commendable. It serves the purpose of branding. You can use in-app messaging for various other purposes as well including onboarding, sending reminders, and gathering feedback or reviews. This quick tool of communication is effective in reducing friction, making the progression easier for the Users. 

Let’s understand its significance through an example, 

If a user is in the onboarding process and gets stuck due to any confusion, if he doesn’t avail support at that moment, he will be frustrated and likely to abandon. There will be a huge difference, if a timely in-app message appears at the moment he is stuck, suggesting the next step, and he will proceed willingly. 

That’s the difference in-app messaging can make. 

Guiding Users Through Onboarding

If we talk about one of the most important applications of in-app messaging, is in the onboarding process. The onboarding process is considered to be the foundation, as it sets the stage for your target user to come and join. When in-app messaging is used in this process, it will serve by providing personalized tips, tutorials, and instructions. Hence, it supports the users through relevant contextual help available within the application. 

In-app messaging provides step-by-step information, highlights the significant features, and introduces the newest features.

This real-time assistance makes it easier for customers to understand what’s happening in the app. When the user feels self-aware, they are likely to engage more. 

You can boost the onboarding experience for your target customers by providing the right information at the right time. For example, if someone signs up, you show a welcome gesture and an overview of core features. Along with it, if you provide real-time tooltips, it uplevels the experience. 

Although there are tools like UserGuiding available, which could help you enhance the onboarding process with its no-code solutions. It can be used to create interactive guidelines and highlight features, ultimately driving engagement. 

Announcing Features and Updates

To engage the customers and drive product adoption, the customers have a sense of awareness. Although some customers try to explore themselves, you must also take measures to inform each segment of customers. 

In-app messaging serves this purpose, it will provide information regarding new features, updates, or offers. Since it is a quick medium, it provides immediate awareness in a well-framed manner, encouraging users to give it a try. In-app messaging tends to maintain the customers' interest in the app by increasing the probability of product adoption. 

In-app messaging is like your announcement master, it will announce to the customers what value you’ve added to the product. 

Why use generic messages when you can send well-tailored personalized messages through in-app messaging? Personalization is key to making a difference, it impacts how messages are perceived and responded to. 

In-app messaging may involve tooltips, links to access guidance, demonstration videos, or any case study for its applicability. 

Encouraging Deeper Engagement Through Personalization

A product is made of different sets of features. Not necessarily, every customer would be enthusiastic to try out every feature. However, if you can take any measure to boost the eagerness to try some new features, in-app messaging is what you need. A personalized in-app message provides a platform to nurture a deeper engagement by prompting users to explore new features. The personalized message can propel the overall customer experience because it is designed to consider the customer's expectations. 

Personalized in-app messaging will suggest the customer try out the unexplored features of the product, that will complement the current usage. It will boost satisfaction and adoption. 

It can also provide personalized tooltips where a user seems to struggle. If you also want to gather some insights, in-app messaging can collect feedback for you or encourage users to participate in surveys. 

Implementing In-App Messaging

In-app messaging facilitates valuable communication without any opt-in requirement. The way you are using this facility plays a vital role in building a positive connection. You should emphasize its thoughtful implementation, so it does not annoy any user. So, we are suggesting some best practices to implement it: -

  1. The messages should provide relevant and contextual help. 
  2. The timing of the message should be appropriate. 
  3. Don’t bombard messages upon your customers one after one with irrelevant questions. 
  4. Make use of testing and data to send personalized messages. For example, A/B testing.
  5. Keep an active check on the responses by your users, click rates, and engagement levels.
  6. Keep refining the messaging strategy with the evolving market.
  7. Each message should be well-tailored according to the needs and expectations of the customers.

Personalized in-app messaging makes your customers feel valued. When you understand their goals and expectations and provide them with what they need, it builds brand loyalty. In-app messaging has versatile applicability to ensure great customer satisfaction. 

In-app messaging can be effectively used to provide guidance, onboard customers, and collect their feedback. However, it needs a unified strategy to drive adoption and engagement. 

Tools like UserGuiding can help you create a prominent in-app messaging strategy without coding. This tool can build a strong customer base by providing real-time solutions to achieve product adoption and growth.