Everybody has seen the awesome new 3D tvs in the stores, and some people may have already upgraded to one, but what about the rest of us. Is it ...
Everybody has seen the awesome new 3D tvs in the stores, and some people may have already upgraded to one, but what about the rest of us. Is it something that is worth it? Eventually it does not look like people will have an option. It is going to be like when HD took over the world. It took a couple of years, however, you can’t locate an old style of tv in the stores anymore.
They are all digital and HD models. For many individuals, they would upgrade when the new technology was available and they didn’t want to wait until they actually required a new television. The same will be true for 3D televisions. There is a certain segment of the population, even in these tough economic times that will upgrade to a 3D television even though they don’t need to have a new television.
These are the kinds of individuals who need to have the best of the best and have to have the newest of the new. They are the types of people who upgrade their cell phones every month or two when they see something new, without regard for the costs involved. But there are a certain amount of individuals who will need new televisions soon and will still have the option between regular HD and 3D HD televisions. For this group, they will want to know if the additional expense of 3D is worth it.
Knowing that 3D looks awesome and that there are going to be a lot more shows and movies displayed in that format before long and the almost unavoidable fact that every television manufactured soon will have 3D capabilities, you still have a choice at this time. So to 3D or not to 3D certainly is the question. 3D is trendy. That's a statement that can’t be debated. But how much are you prepared to surrender in comfort for that cool is the next question.
Do you wish to wear the glasses which are required? How much do you love it? There are many people that will never care for 3D, and for various reasons they will never wish to upgrade to the technology. If you don’t think that you'll ever regularly watch television in 3D, then do not upgrade. Do not pay for technology that will not be used. Even when every network offers something in 3D, there'll always be standard 2D available.
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