Keep Your Fingers Crossed For The Upcoming Android Phones
Google's mobile OS have been employed in many of the android based smartphones and android tablets in the market.
Keep Your Fingers Crossed For The Upcoming Android PhonesA plethora of brands including HTC,

Samsung, Motorola, Sony Erricson, BalckBerry and many others are jumping on the band wagon to launch newer, faster and sleeker android based handsets for you. Some of the hottest android phones released in the year 2010 and 2011 are HTC EVO 4G, Samsung I9000 Galaxy S, Sony Ericsson Xperia X 10, LG Optimus One, HTC Desire Z, Google Nexus One, Motorola Driod, HTC hero, MicroMax Andro A 60 and Google Nexus S,according to Lisa, PR manager of with these successful android phones many others are waiting in the pipeline to be released. SO let us have a look at the top-notch upcoming android mobile phones that will open up your eyes to yet another exciting and enthralling adventure of exploring the android world and will take the phenomenon of smart phones to a brand new level. With a swing of new releases of Android phones yet to be announced for 2012, customers of Ankaka will have a great choice at hand to decide what they should actually opt for.The best releases of android based phones in the upcoming android mobile sensations will be HTC ThunderBolt 2 which will replace the HTC Thunderbolt, Samsung Stratosphere that will replace the Samsung Fascinate and Samsung Prime that will replace the Samsung Droid Charge according to some sources. HTC Thunderbolt 2 that is also called as HTC Vigor is rumored to have a lauch date somewhere in the start of October. It will have a 1.5 GHz processor, the android 2.3.4 OS and a beautiful display of 720p HD. Samsung Stratosphere is also another slide out Qwerty keypad android phone with an appearance resemblance with Samsung Epic 4G Sprint.Samsung Driod's brand also has plans to launch the latest android smart phone attraction that is Samsung Driod Prime. This device is going to hit the market stores nearly the same time as Android's latest version Android 2.4/4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.Another famous android powered phone planned to be released is Samsung Galaxy Z which will have a slightly less price than Galaxy S II. It will have a dual core processor and will incorporate Android 2.3 Gingerbread version. Its display rumors state that it will have a 5 MP camera and a 4.2 inch display.Motorola Triumph is also to be released in this fall but no launch date is confirmed yet. This android based phone will prove to be one of the stylish and the best smart phones in the competition. Another set by Motorola i.e. Motorola Photon will also be a top wanted mobile phone set based on android which is likely to be released in winters. It will have the Android OS 2.3 Gingerbread. The streaming quality will be good. Specs say that it will incorporate a dual core processor of Tegra, an 8 MP camera. The video quality will be 1080p HD. So keep your fingers crossed for a fresh torrent of android based phones if you are an android lover.Look for more information about Wholesale Android Phones please check