Learn To Backup Wii Games

Jul 2


Jay Sanders

Jay Sanders

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If you got to read this article, it probably means that you have one Nintendo Wii game console. And it is very probable that you have found this article because you need some information on how to backup your Wii games.


A good reason to do that would be to preserve the original disk and play using the backups. In this way you can store away quite safely the originals. This article will give you some clues on how to do a backup for your Wii games.

First of all,Learn To Backup Wii Games Articles you need to have the Nintendo Wii copying software. This software is reading your game from the original disk and then transfers it. The transfer is made into the ISO format. Normally, this is presented in a DVD format but sometimes a backup can go on a CD too.

The next thing you have to do is to put the Wii game right into the DVD drive and let it be read. After the Wii disk has been put inside you will have to launch the software. It will then transfer all the data on your PC. The transfer speed depends on the CPU speed of your computer and also on the memory of your PC.

For slower PC's, this procedure can take even 4 hours. While the file is copied, the PC may appear frozen. Don't worry about that and do not turn off the software or even the PC. If you do that, you will need to re-start the process again. When the transfer is done, you will have a new ISO file on the PC.

After the files were transferred on the PC, you can do the other step.

But you must change some software settings so that it sees the ISO file. Only after that you are able to burn the data on the blank media. After changing the setting, you need to insert your blank disk and start again the software. This burning process shouldn't take long. It depends on the speed of the CPU unit and also on the memory on your PC.