Page discussion about actual problems with the Nokia 3110c. Includes application problems and probable reason for it to occur.
I've received a lot of comments from friends that the Nokia 3110c is not a very good phone when it comes to applications. Come to think of it, that's strange. I did try downloading the Oxford mobile dictionary to the 3110c but all it did was display an unknown application that I can't open.
Even the Nokia service hub in SM City Mandurriao is of no use. They can't even give me a straight answer why Nokia 3110c applications aren't downloading properly. And aren't these guys supposed to have an idea why this is happening? They're paid to have answers for customers like me who haveproblems with their phones. Really!
Personally, I'm a happy user of Nokia. My first phone was a Nokia 3315 and until it's final beep last August, it still kept my family in touch with each other. So was the Nokia 3220, with it's cute disco lights that sure made parties at night cool. And they're all quite reliable, too. So I wonder, is something wrong with my phone? Anyway, what can you expect from a $90 phone that is merely designed for essential (re: bare-bone basic) uses.
The answer came from a pretty good techie I found at the mall's basement. The reason why my phone doesn't seem to do well with applications is because of its generation. Older generations of multimedia phones like the 6600 and 5300 are capable of downloading more types of applications since Nokia enabled them. The newer types, especially the 3110c, are not totally capable of using some programs. Why? Because Nokia has restricted their phones' software to accept only compatible ones (re: made by Nokia). Still, you can find good Nokia 3110c applications from third-party software makers by downloading them from the web - with one catch.
Great! I guess Nokia 3110c applications are a bit of a nuisance for phone owners since, according to my new friend, you'll have to find independent third-party application dealers on your own, since Nokia won't advertise them. The reason? Competition. You can't believe how much Nokia fears third-party application makers since these can get a pretty good slice off the company's after-sales profits. You can see from the proliferation of games, apps, and music offered and downloaded by billions, I repeat, billions of users around the world, and you can get a fairly good picture ofwhat I'm saying. I mean, if Nokia can control even just one area of those needs, then they can manipulate it into a profitable revenue stream. Big bucks, anyone?
Anyway, Nokia restricting their phones isn't really a big deal. With the mobile world affected by wave after wave of mobile viruses, trojans, and worms, you'd better go for the original thing. I'd do that, too. If that's the only way to make sure my phone is safe (and avoid those costly trips back to your friendly phone repairman to clean up your infected phones), I'm willing to shell-out a few bucks. Also saves me the hassle of finding the right programs and apps for my 3110c.
Except that Nokia doesn't have a dictionary software for my phone. Aahhrgh!
I'm still looking for the compatible app for my phone. If worse comes to worst, I'll have to reformat the 3110c's software, have my techie friend tweak it a bit to accept some programs (voids any warranty for your phone, but if you're really that desperate, go ahead).
If you guys are also looking for one, good luck. Who knows what surprises lay ahead in the search for The One. Life's always been a box of Nerds. The sour ones come in all shapes and sizes.
Happy hunting!