If you've sold laptops on eBay you've probably had to deal with at least one overheating battery. Portable DVD batteries could well be the next in line. Find out how to prevent any damage to your credibility rating.
Portable DVD players have opened up a world of flexible DVD viewing,

allowing you to watch your favorite movies and television shows, anywhere that you want. But what happens when your portable DVD player encounters battery problems? It's a problem that more and more people are being forced to deal with, and it's leaving a bitter taste in their mouths.
From over-heating batteries and exploding or faulty adapters, battery problems have begun to plague portable DVD players. Battery burn out has not only affected the big brands but has hit the reputation of resellers hardest of all.
Recent battery and adapter recalls from such major players as Disney, Toshiba, Mintek Digital, Polaroid, Welkin, Coby and Thomson due to batteries bursting, minor burns and overheating batteries have left many buyers and sellers feeling uneasy.
Failing batteries and adapters pose a greater risk to resellers than to the major brands due to the skepticism that is common amongst the customers of non-brand electronics.
Negative feedback due to a faulty product can have immediate detrimental affects on a re-seller.
** Steps Re-Sellers Can Take to Protect Themselves **
It is important for re-sellers to take a proactive approach to the situation. If you become aware of a product defect there are several steps that you can take.
1. Make details of any product defects available to your potential customers.
2. Provide consumers with information about brands with similar issues.
3. Offer recalls and replacements for defective merchandise.
4. Keep an open dialogue with customers so that you can let them know what is going on with your products.
Prevention is the best medicine. Recalling products are expensive and unless managed correctly, can potentially result in a loss of reputation and even lawsuits.
Finding high quality products provided by reliable suppliers is important. As a re-seller searching for quality manufacturers is important and in the case of drop-shipping it is unlikely that you have even been able to physically inspect the merchandise.
In these situations the best course of action is to find a reliable agent who carry out their own testing and are willing to stand behind their products and offer guarantees.
The issue of over heating batteries isn't going to go away overnight.
By providing up to date information on your site about proper battery care and maintenance for your customers, you will be able to avoid dealing with the issue all together.
Being proactive will lessen your odds of getting hit by faulty products and setting up an appropriate plan so that in the unfortunate event that one of your products does cause a problem, you will be protected and keep your profits in your pocket.