The CPAP Machine: A Modern Miracle for Sleeping Problems
Physicians often recommend the use of a CPAP machine to patients who are suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common sleep problem that causes...
Physicians often recommend the use of a CPAP machine to patients who are suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common sleep problem that causes victims to stop breathing while they are asleep. This happens when the airways and other muscles tighten and cut down the air supply in the lungs. The momentary breathing obstruction can continue anywhere from 2 to 30 seconds. If this problem persists,
it can lead to other serious health problems such as enlargement of the heart, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. To prevent this from happening, sleep apnea victims are recommended to undergo CPAP therapy, which is considered as the most efficient cure for the disease.
CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. The CPAP machine consists of a special apnea mask which is worn over a person's nose and mouth. The machine blows air at a steady pressure into the mask, which then goes into the throat of the sufferer. This ensures that airways are kept open and that breathing will not be obstructed during sleep. This means there will no longer be periods of sleep apnea and the patient will finally be able to have a full night’s sleep. Not much pressure is needed to accomplish this and many satisfied patients have reported that they are able to sleep so soundly that they barely notice what is taking place in their throat. Those patients who get used to wearing the machine are likely to experience improvement in their sleeping conditions and tend to remain using it.
Recently, auto titrating has been added to this machine. This feature helps the device to automatically adjust the air pressure. The air pressure is adjusted depending on the seriousness of the problem. These machines have special sensors that automatically adjust the air pressure in relation to the length of each apnea incident. In fact, the ability of the device to move from one level of air pressure to another is one of its most popular features.
Aside from those suffering from a disorder such as sleep apnea, a CPAP device is also useful for those who have loud snoring problems. Because the device keeps the throat open and allows a steady source of air intake, it can also eliminate snoring. However, patients using these machines must remember that discontinuing the use of the machine can result in other problems related to sleep apnea or cause snoring to return.
Aside from helping patients suffering from sleep apnea or snoring problems, CPAP machines have other uses as well. They have been used in intensive care units for patients who have problems breathing and for newborn babies who aren’t breathing normally because of undeveloped lungs.
It is important to know how to properly use this machine, otherwise you will not experience its full benefits as improper use might reduce or even eliminate its efficiency. Because of the complexity of the device, often times the assistance of a technician will be required to set it up, adjust it and fit the mask correctly.
Because of the wide variety of CPAP devices available on the market, with each one having a special benefit to the user, knowing which particular mask and machine best fits the patient is important. For this purpose, the consultation of a physician before making the purchase can be very helpful. The physician has the proper qualification and the right training to assess the severity of the sleep disorder and can give the patient proper guidance in selecting the CPAP machine that is most suitable for his/her condition.