If you are looking to locate a cell phone owner, the easiest and fastest way to get this done is by using a reverse cell phone directory,
The ability to locate cell phone owners used to be just about next to impossible. Because wireless numbers are considered private information,

and the wireless carriers that owned the personal details connected to these numbers were not willing to sell this private information, the only options left to people who wanted to identify unknown wireless calls were consulting a private detective or getting the authorities involved.
Things are much different today.
If you have lost contact with an old acquaintance, there is now a very simple method available that will not only locate the caller’s current address, but also a long list of past addresses. And this is just the beginning of what you can discover.
All that is required is for you to enter the website of a reverse cell phone directory. These directories are basically the modern version of a phone book. Businesses such as the White Pages are increasingly becoming obsolete because they cannot furnish searchers with the information most of them are after, namely an address and name for wireless users.
A typical example of a search goes very much like this – enter the site you have chosen to work with, enter all 10 numbers of the wireless number you are searching in the search bar provided by the directory, and the simply wait for the directory to locate the identifying details for the number located within its database.
From there, you’ll be notified that a report is available. You will see on your computer screen the city and state where the cell phone number was issued and what type of information you can expect to find in the report.
If you want to buy the information enclosed in the report, you’ll be directed to a secure payment page where you can decide whether you want to simply purchase the results of that single report, or whether you would wish to pay a slightly higher amount of money for the ability to have access to the directory’s database for the upcoming year.
Before you make a decision on that, it’s important to know what else the directory is capable of providing. You should know that the only telephone numbers you can expect to find in free and public directories are landline and business numbers.
That’s it.
Fax, pager, wireless, unlisted, and VoIP numbers will only be found in these all inclusive reverse cell phone directories. This is why purchasing a paid yearly subscription is well worth the money if you think you have need to search any of these numbers within the next year.
For what it’s worth, a paid subscription will typically cost about $39. That’s a one-time charge. The cost of a single report will cost roughly $14. So you can decide for yourself which is the best option for you.
One last thing to make note of is the fact that the most reliable reverse cell phone directories offer money back guarantees for all of the reports they sell. This is a crucial feature to look for in any reverse phone directory you may consider running a search with. The best directories are fully confident that the information they provide in each and every report is as accurate and up to date as possible. They do this by continually purchasing the latest information in the databases of each and every wireless in the country.