The Utilities of and for PAS Comparison
PAS refers to Pascal source code files, and programmers often find themselves needing to compare one with another. Various utilities exist to conduct PAS Comparison and provide other helpful features.
PAS files refer to the source code files in the Pascal programming language,

designed by Niklaus Wirth in the 1970s. Pascal was designed as a language for students, encouraging the formation of good programming practices. With this in mind, Pascal was created small, efficient, and with inherent support for structuring data and programming structures. Despite its conceptualization as a teaching language, of course, Pascal could and was used in other applications, notably the development of the MAC in its early stages. So, for various reasons, it is often hand to have a utility on hand to do PAS comparison.
Many programmers find themselves needing to compare different pieces of code, for different reasons. For instance, Pascal is intended to be a learning language, and code comparison can facilitate learning even further. Using comparison utilities, a student would be able to analyze different programs to find out their similarities and differences. Then the behavior of these programs would give a clue as to how these differences affect the program as a whole. The different structures found in the compared programs would also begin to make a little more sense.
Apart from just doing plain comparisons, most code editing tools also provide syntax-based highlighting and other helpful features. Most of these features are geared towards making the source code more easily readable by humans. Indents, color coding, and other small tweaks can really make a difference in the readability of code, especially for newer programmers or students. These editors may also come with an interface that automates or provides features that make writing code easier, such as autocomplete.
Even for advanced and experienced programmers, editing tools are still very useful for tasks that would be tedious and long to do without utilities. Spotting the tiny differences in two otherwise identical large pieces of code is one example. As the programs to be compared grow larger with more and more lines, this task becomes more and more difficult. Going over each line trying to concentrate enough to find a single command or letter out of order cannot be easy or fun. With the use of comparison utilities, all this tedium can be automated, and the programmer is left to handle the more important tasks.
These utilities are also handy when performing updates and wanting to synchronize two or more separate programs. With all the versions floating around in various places, trying to keep track of all changes is a little too much for just one human programmer. By using comparison utilities, it becomes easier to determine the important changes between versions, and differences between codes in different locations. Debugging a newly updated program is also made much easier. Tracking changes made to a single set of programs by different programmers can also be facilitated by the proper tools and would be quite a big hassle otherwise.
Most of these utilities are designed for specific programming languages, such as Pascal. Thus, they are more often than not able to analyze and effectively understand a program written in the appropriate language. PAS comparison, code management, and many other labor saving features make these utilities invaluable to programmers.