The most optimistic supports of AI believe it will eventually help to solve climate change, prevent car accidents, and improve everyone’s daily life.
While AI may not get that far in 2018, it’s sure to become a bigger part of your company. Over eighty percent of Fortune 500 CEOs say AI is very important to their organization’s future.
To help your company have success with AI in 2018, here are five things you should keep in mind:
1) Don’t be Resistant to Change
Many people, and that includes business leaders, hear AI being mentioned and immediately shift their thoughts to science fiction and fantasy worlds. However, AI is really here – and it’s time to start recognizing and implementing it. If you’ve used products like Siri or Alexa, you’ve used AI. Now that computers are stronger than ever, we can start using products like these for business. So the most important thing is to recognize that AI is here, and you should start planning for how it can impact your business.
2) Combining AI with Cloud Computing
As a company begins to implement AI, they’ll also need to improve their cloud computing. This is necessary to optimize the infrastructure and processing that supports the artificial intelligence. For example, the amount of data that needs to be stored for the AI to know all combinations of the human senses or how to process algorithms is too much data to be stored on company computers. This will require many companies to make big investments in cloud computing. What’s important here is to recognize that the two go hand-in-hand, and if your company is ready to make the leap to AI, it needs to have strong cloud computing behind it.
3) Personalizing Mobile App Development
AI is completely changing the ways we interact with mobile applications. For example, take Taco Bell. You might imagine their app would have the menu of the nearest restaurant so you can place your order. Thanks to artificial intelligence, it’s much more user-friendly than that. Instead, they released TacoBot. This app uses artificial intelligence to recommend personalized orders based on your previous purchases and current events. This is great progress in mobile app development, as the app is now able to think for itself to decide what you would enjoy. Business leaders need to be aware that customers will be expecting very personalized experiences because of AI.
4) Improving Software Development
While AI will help to personalize mobile app development, it will help to make software development a quicker process. This will be done by making use of AI technologies like machine learning, deep learning, language processing, and business understanding. Believe it or not, when machine learning and deep learning are mastered, AI will be able to complete software development on its own. As this progress continues, coders will focus less on programming rules into an application or software, and more on programming the application to learn on its own to improve. So keep in mind that AI will eventually have the power to design software on its own, and your IT team will need to know how to start programming under these conditions.
5) Its Already Happening
Some industries have already begun to implement AI. For instance, AI is already making strides when it comes to media. A leading audio company that has the largest reach on radio and television in the United States uses AI to process, review, and update audio information almost instantly. This should tell you that AI is here to stay, and it’s time to see how it can help your business. If your competitors are already implementing it, or are at least looking into the possibilities, lagging behind could cause a serious issue for your business.
As we’ve watched technology grow over the years, we’ve seen people be cautious about computers, to them being on every desk in every office in the world. AI will likely have the same future, as we are now uncertain about what will soon be standard. But if you keep the five points above in mind, you’ll be sure to be on point with your AI integration.
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