Unearthing Blue-Screen or STOP errors with Dell PC
Have patience whenever you confront Blue-screen error with your Dell PC. Try with Safe-Mode, Last Known Good Configuration or System Restore tools that are easily available with your Windows operating system. Getting Windows Rescue CD is another quick alternative to overcome issue.
Raising question mark on the reliability of Dell computer or laptop is hard. Isn’t it? But the brand itself can’t put the word guarantee when it comes to software part. Though,

each and every Dell product enjoys approximately 3 years of warranty in terms of hardware functionality, which starts soon when you purchase it. Dell Service support is usually available in every city round-the-globe to let you go smooth with the Dell Technology. But that doesn’t amount to be called again and again. Obviously, knowing some basic computer troubleshooting is must.Blue-Screen or STOP error is the most puzzling one. Actually, the error is an indication that your Dell PC has experienced an unrecoverable hardware or software problem, and it needs to be shut down to prevent damage to it. Multiple reasons could be behind the Blue-Screen or STOP errors. Incompatible hardware or software products, virus and spyware infection, faulty BIOS and/or registry settings, driver incompatibility, etc., are a few to be mentioned. Usually, every error message comes with a unique numeric code, and gives you a hint of its origin, hence a clue as well on ‘how to fix it?’, so next time, don’t ignore the popped error. If the STOP 0x0000007B error flashes as soon as you start your Dell machine, and is not allowing to finish the Windows setup process then probably there is some driver conflicts. If you have just installed any new piece then uninstall it or update the previous one without any mistake. Probably go with the Windows Update or get it from the Microsoft Download Center or Dell Support. Likewise other error codes do reveal the cause and remedy.At times, Windows Startup Repair section can be helpful in resolving the issue. Navigate to the Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools program group and find the System Restore tool. Locate the Restore System files and choose a restore point. Remember, the tool will not help in recovering non-system files like documents, email, music, etc. to a previous state. Last Known Good Configuration, or LKGC for short, is a way in which you can start Windows if you're having trouble starting it normally. Last Known Good Configuration loads the drivers and registry data that worked the last time you successfully started and then shut down Windows. Try with the Last Known Good Configuration available under Advanced Boot Options menu. This is just to rewind the driver and registry settings to a previous state when it used to run well. Haven’t you scanned your machine for viruses and spyware for a long time? Or don’t have any security software running? Chances of infection too loom over, so have a quick scan of your Dell system resources to eradicate those completely. Standard virus and spyware removal tools are available with Dell technical support providers that are working online. However, it’s important to have thorough information regarding compatibility of products. It will be better if you go with the live support from technicians over the phone line. Do have a reliable Windows Rescue CD created from .ISO image. The image is readily available with popular antivirus brands.