What Cloud Computing has in Store for Enterprises
The cloud computing concept hit the world surprisingly and created a deep impact on those who adopted it. It is said that it is still in infancy and is expected to reveal more surprises in the future. This fact has made enterprises and business owners ponder over the future of cloud computing.
The cloud computing concept hit the world surprisingly and created a deep impact on those who adopted it. It is said that it is still in infancy and is expected to reveal more surprises in the future. This fact has made enterprises and business owners ponder over the future of cloud computing. As for now,

we are witnessing a completely different trend in software deployment, which would result in a different future than what we are imagining. Similarly, the cloud computing future will be completely different from what we have conceptualized. The conception of cloud model is older than our imaginations and dates back to the 1960s. Scientists thought of providing computing to the common people to revolutionize work, business, education and every other sector but somehow, they could not start. They envisioned terminals of smaller size than the massive computer arrays of that time and planned on how they could be connected to every home through phone line or any other mode. This concept was the forefather of many technologies that are still ruling over us. The Internet is one such technology that works as a delivery network as most PCs and servers are clustered in a mainframe allowing them to deliver or relay information. However, this concept applies to the communications and media. The software did not follow the same modus operandi. This made scientists of 1960s focus towards developing an individual machine leading them to invent mobile phones. During its early days, a mobile phone was like an insignificant piece of crap in comparison to a PC. Now they have grown up to become advanced smart phones and diminishing the need of a PC.
Cloud computing too is now accepted as a serious subject to consider in terms of a commercially viable model. The qualities such as offloading geographical processing and interface to remote arrays have made it a much-liked concept in a very short period. However, the adoption of cloud computing was also a gradual process, as it was first used to replace email programs with email sites and media services with streams. The online editing and cloud storage software released by Microsoft and Google allowed businesses to adopt web based SAAS structure for almost every activity. Now here lies the big question, what future generations should expect from cloud computing.
One of the most affected sectors as I perceive, would be the healthcare sector. The concept of cloud computing would allow patients and medical services to be omnipresent. There will be no need of covering a distance to meet your physician and this is very decisive in critical and life-threatening situations. Records of the patients would be on cloud allowing experts from across the world to view it and express their opinions. Cloud computing will make our next generation seek medical attention remotely and straight away.
In terms of enterprises, cloud computing would reduce the chances of corporate surveillance, sabotage or breach. Breaking into the security of any computer system will get tougher for hackers and pilferers. Thus, data theft and security breach would no longer exist in the future and the credit would be given to cloud computing.
In the future, we will also see gaming industry, adopting cloud computing extensively. This will allow high quality graphics games to be available even on the weakest device capable of using the Internet.
Cloud computing has the potential to be a change maker in every sector and field and it has been doing the same ever since its commencement. The future of cloud computing looks very optimistic as it will take over every phase of our lives and bring positive changes. We just have to wait and watch how fascinating these changes would be.