This article is about how the data integration tools helps to enterprise. Also Which is the best tools to use and there features.
With the History of being difficult to manage the unstructured data. Wait? To get our head turnaround the unstructured data, let’s dig into brief history of Data. Our world started digitizing data in 20th century. The process started with the transactional data –Accounting –where information is neatly organized in rows and columns and decades later we are digitizing everything insight and sharing across the enterprise, personal connections and partners. So, the question in what format is this unstructured data present? Well, the enormous amount of enterprise information that is in texts, documents, emails, presentations, graphics, audio, video, webpages …. In short –doesn’t sit with relational data model.
Do we have tools to fix it?
We do have some powerful breeds of search and data management tools. Text search tools like SOLR, Elastic Search, and Amazon web cloud search and The third eye -3rdi are few examples that help to organize amorphous text data so common in today’s business. Let’s take a quick tour of the tools on a high level.
Solr and Elastic Search both based on Lucene, that provides advanced search capabilities and ability to grow as needed. These are open source licenses. Solr indexing with advanced pre-processing support includes tokenization as well as query support feature, spell-checking highlighting. It efficiently searches for the subsets of the documents, full search and faceted search. Elastic Search stores documents in JSON format and text fields are indexed. This doesn’t require scheme specification prior to loading the documents, it detect document structure from JSON documents directly. Support Services and add-ons development are available for both SOLR and Elastic search.
Amazon cloud based search is managed service from AWS. The search services can be configured thru AWS management console. Searchable documents can be managed in guidance to the common configuration.
The Third Eye- 3rdi – The technological innovation from The Digital Group- launch of whole new growth of rich possibilities in data centric world. It is a comprehensive stack of solutions for text mining, enterprise search, content integration, governance, analytics and much more. It’s an open source infrastructure and truly a one-stop solution for all search and associated needs. It’s compatible with all major semantic enrichment frameworks. This Rapid Enterprise Search implementation cuts down development and release cycle and cost by at-least 50-60%. The adapter-framework is responsible for securely identifying, analyzing and indexing content from different types of data sources across your organization both on-premises or from cloud. The Semantic Integration subsystem manages semantic and contextual linking and enrichment of data using NLP, techniques, dictionaries, vocabularies, taxonomies & ontologies. 3rdi provide full spectrum domain expertise across most domains, verticals and locales.
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