For women in the world over, the clutch bags are an important accessory. Not just one or two
they love to have many to match them with various outfits and looks. Clutch bags are compact and easy to carry. Some even have detachable chains with them to offer more functionality. The chic look of these bags is very appealing and this is the main reason why these are the preferred choice of accessory for a party or a wedding.
The clutches are available in many designs and styles and this adds to their popularity. So, no matter what age you are, there is more than one clutch in your wardrobe. The clutches are useful in carrying around the essential accessories that help you see through the day. They mainly need to put in it some money, make up, cell phone and keys and the cute little clutch offers this much functionality to store these things.
The clutch bags can be coordinated with the outfit of the user. This would help to enhance the appeal of the user. For this reason, too, these are a vital fashion accessory. It is a must have in the wardrobe of any women. Moreover, these can be taken to a party, meeting, and a movie or simply to the office. So, it is very functional and a great accessory to make a fabulous style statement as well.
These womens clutch bags have stood the test of times and managed to stay in the fashion as the hot trend. The celebrities and famous personalities are also often seen clutching these bags on their various outings. This also adds to their popularity. Many fashion watchers follow the trends sported by their favorite celebs and this greatly influences their demand.
Just like one has to coordinate and match the various other accessories like shoes, make up, belts, glasses, hats and watches etc., similarly, there are certain dos and don’ts that must be followed while deciding on the type of clutch bag to carry to achieve a great look. The color, style, design and the embellishments- all define the occasion and look it can be matched with.
While the bold and bright hued clutches in red, black, coral, electric pink and mauve look good for the evening occasions, those in metallic shades of gold, silver, copper, grey & bronze, encrusted with various precious and semi precious stones, diamond and Swarovski look great at a party. The beige, ivory and the pastels in pearls and lace are perfect for the bride and her bridesmaids. The lighter colors like whites, pinks, yellow, blue and greens etc. can help to achieve the office look with élan.
These clutches have gained so much popularity in the fashion circles and been accepted as a trendy accessory that even the biggest designers regularly feature them in their new collections. There are clutches for the fall and summer, there are clutches for the weddings and meetings and there are clutches for the young and the mature. These designer clutches are, although expensive, they are equally stunning and catch attention instantaneously.
The clutches can be made in materials like silk, suede, metal, leather, hide, lace, cotton, PVC etc. They come with straps that can be used to carry them over your shoulders or with wristlets that can be worn around your wrist. This adds variety to your collection.
So, the clutches are a versatile and economical way to enhance the appearance of an outfit.
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