Why Should Home Care Agencies use Integrated EVV?
To reduce fraudulent care claims submissions and ensure people receive the care they deserve, EVV (Electronic visit verification) mandate was brought into the picture. A system for reducing deception and undeserving payments came into effect with the passing of the Affordable Care Act signed into law in 2010. As per the federal mandate, states require Electronic Verification of the Visits made by the caregivers. In simple terms, it means the home care agencies need EVV compliant software to prove the care service provided.
EVV Mandate
EVV mandate is a part of the Cures Act. According to the Legislation,
important data points are to be collected and verified electronically, but the states are free to create their systems. Every state is free to decide about how it would want to gather and report the EVV vendor data.
How to achieve EVV?
The home care agencies can achieve EVV support in two ways i.e., Telephony and Mobile/ GPS.
- Telephony: This system is for those people who do not use or own a smartphone. In this system, the time is tracked using old-school home phones. The care provider calls from the client’s phone and gets the Clock-in, Clock-out time registered. This is done when the caregiver reaches the client’s location and before starting the caregiving service.
- Mobile/GPS: This system operates in the home care software. The caregiver Clocks-in and Clocks-out through the software. Verification is done by comparing the GPS location of the cell phone at the time of Clock-in, Clock-out. it is one of the best hassle-free EVV solutions available for agency owners today.
Benefits of Integrated, Comprehensive EVV Solution
Here’s how Home Care agencies can benefit from using EVV integrated software:
- Timely Visits: The foremost reason behind introducing EVV has itself become the primary benefit for home care providing agencies. Through the advanced integrated EVV software, agencies can record and monitor the visits through Clock-in and Clock-out.
- Various Services Offered: An EVV mandate allows the States to select the model of their choice. There are five EVV models that the States can choose from, like, Open Vendor, Closed vendor, State-mandated in-house system, State-mandated external vendor, and provider choice. In the Open vendor system, the State contracts with at least one EVV vendor or operates their in-house system, but at the same, allows the provider to use third-party solutions which meet the federal requirements. State-mandated external vendor allows the States to select and contract with a single EVV vendor to implement a state-wide solution.
- Tracking Date of Service: As the visits of the caregivers are controlled, the EVV solution helps the agencies in monitoring the dates on which services are provided. This reduces the chances of fraud and lies. Date, time is tracked and monitored in real-time which reduces wasteful efforts and promotes a productive work environment.
- Tracking the Location: The caregivers have to travel to provide home care and personal care services to the clients. It was difficult for the home care provider agencies to track the location and seek the truth. With the introduction of the EVV mandate in the system, agencies can track the exact location of the caregiver. This is done with the help of mobile and GPS installed in the home care software. This is done at the time of clock-in and clock-out with the GPS.
- Automated Billing and Payrolls: EVV allows agencies to eliminate time-consuming and expensive paperwork. With EVV billing and creating payrolls is faster and more accurate than manual handling. Data errors are reduced to almost zero which increases efficiency in the work process.
- Accurate Scheduling: Through EVV embedded software, agencies can track and manage schedules effectively from one platform. It gives the agencies total control and convenience in deciding the status of the schedules without wasting any time.
- Consolidated Reporting: All services from scheduling, payrolls, billing, invoicing, tracking caregivers, and their performances are managed through a single screen. A huge time saver, all activities are performed automatically.
Other Benefits
Besides just compliance, integration of EVV in the home care agency software offers benefits to agencies too. Some of the advantages are:
- Optimization of care service providers for greater efficiency.
- Acts as a bridge and fills the communication gap between clients, caregivers, and the home care agency through calls, messages, and videos. It further enhances productivity.
- Streamlines the processes through proper documentation and real-time tracking of the exact location.
- Automated billing and payroll for every caregiver.
- Helps in capturing key information like types of services performed by the caregiver.
- Provides detailed information on a client receiving the service.
- Time, day, date of the service offered.
- A location where the service was delivered.
- Time duration of the service provided.
EVV is not a stand-alone solution but is integrated within the software and mobile application that home care businesses use. EVV works like a tool to ensure that the services are delivered as per the plan and needs of the client. It helps home care agencies in maintaining a higher level of control on caregivers offering home care and personal care services.
EVV facilitates an error-free workflow that makes life easier for agencies, clients, and caregivers. It helps in keeping all the parties involved in-home care businesses on an equal footing. EVV provides endless opportunities and possibilities to grow the business. It also provides an integrated and smart solution for speeding up the process of home care and personal care services for bright results.