Why your Business Needs Expert iPhone App Builders
Barely 5 years ago, how would have a person subconsciously conceptualized a smartphone? A bulky device, replete with either too many buttons or a stylus sensitive ‘resistive’ touch screen with a buggy UI & buggy bloatware.
Along came the Cupertino giant in 2007,
along with a revolution in the truest sense of the word. It indeed did change everything, forever. Since the inception of the iPhone, the market has seen a slew of touchscreen devices, with every competitor aiming to confront the iDevice by creating their self-touted ‘iPhone Killers’.Over a span of hardly 6 years, the iPhone has witnessed just 6 iterations, one being launched per year. This is an astonishing figure in contrast to its competitors, who seem to make it a point to release a minimum of 6 devices a year at every possible price and screen size! This makes developing apps a boon for iPhone app builders, who feel blessed to receive just one new configuration per year, in contrast to a hundred different chipsets, screen resolutions & memory permutations all year long.These are exactly the reasons why iPhone applications are a must to consider for catering your business requirements. Since iPhone app builders are able to apply a concentrated effort on applications running on platforms with fixed specifications, they can use their saved time on much more important features such as encryption and security. Since the devices are common in nature, testing can be carried out much more efficiently, and being an iOS device, a beautiful UI/UX is involuntarily guaranteed.Crossing its 50 billionth app download this May, it isn’t hard to comprehend the popularity of the iOS App store and the status associated with it upon featuring in one of their top lists. This technological age is highly judgemental about a company’s image, especially regarding its presence in the App store. Having an application in the app store makes a customer aware that the company is technologically sound and advanced, apart from the obvious fact that it provides convenience to the various facilities that the company offers.With the recent introduction of Apple’s iOS 7, there could not have been a better time for developing an iOS application. The refreshed UI has had an amazing response from the iPhone app builder community, who have several more options to work upon now. A business app that has brilliant usability will go leaps and bounds in gratifying your reputation as a company. More time spent on the application which can be replete with the company’s product line, is equal to more interest developed which inevitably leads to the birth of a customer.Software Developers India (SDI) has had its roots firmly grounded in the application development industry since its inception. Ever since the launch of the first iDevice, SDI has been leading from the front in the iOS app development scene. Numerous individual entrepreneurs, small businesses, and enterprise customers - some of which are premium organizations like Pepsi, Marvell, Stanford University, and Louis Vuitton group companies - have consistently ranked SDI #1 in iPhone app development owing the superior development process it has handcrafted for individual clients.SDI’s forte is in cutting-edge development of native iPhone & iPad apps. Our iPhone app developers have delivered sophisticated and tailor made app solutions that integrate seamlessly with web services and extensive server-side functionalities.To know how are advanced iOS development solutions can give that much-needed mileage to your brand, get in touch with our iPhone app builders today. Shoot an email to team@sdi.la or call 408 621 8481 and talk to one of our senior app development experts to kickstart your development journey.