You Can Check The Status Of Your Console From Xbox.Com Repair Status
Xbox 360 repair, read articles and guides about how to repair Xbox. Gamer's favorite source to fix Xbox problems, Xbox 360 red lights, Xbox DVD repair, and other console repair guides.
The Xbox console seemed to have some problems in it. Xbox 360 had some problems in it. There is a major problem of the hardware failure found in many of the Xbox 360 video gaming console. Microsoft is a big corporation and they would want to facilitate its customers at the time of any problem. For your assistance and convenience,

Microsoft has enabled you to check the status of your damaged console when you have sent it for repairing. Now you can check the status of your console at repair status page. On the website of, you can find a page on which there are solutions for the repairing of the damaged xbox consoles. In the console management section of, you can register a console or repair a console. You can also check the status of your console at repair status section, which is found in the console management tree. This website enables you to track your console as it is going through the repair process. This is a good way to know where exactly your console is and when you will be able to get your console back.There is an option available on the website to check the status immediately. You have to sign in with your Windows Live ID to check the status of your console at repair status. In case you do not have a windows live ID, you can also check the status of your console by giving in the service request box which is on the site. There is a box present there where you can give in that request number. So you can also check the status of Xbox console with your service request number. Even if there are some problems with the
Xbox 360 repair console, still you can view the status of your console at the website. It will show you the platform name, the name of the owner, serial number of your console, the problems or symptoms found in your console and its status in the status/notes section of the repair status.