Is your website generating the sales leads and attention you desire?
Millions of companies own websites. However, most of these websites are like a store at the end of a dirt-road in the middle of a dessert. Few people are likely to visit the site, and the few who do land on the site are likely to only stay for a short time.
However, your website has huge capacities in generating attention if it is professional, contains the right elements, and marketed in the right way. Although some designing companies will charge a large amount to make your website professional, you don’t need to pay a large amount to make your website look professional. Many businesses charge smaller fees (less than $100) for the same look and functions you would get for higher paying services.
Is there anything in particular your website should contain? The design and function of the website will vary according to the business. But we can make some recommendations.
Easy Payment Options
If your website accepts online payments, it must meet the standards of the Payment Card Industry Standards Council (POI DSS). This organization is in charge of maintaining standards for online transactions and protecting online users on a global basis.
Clear Messages
Your website should quickly and easily communicate your company’s desired actions. Do you want your customers to search hundreds of products? Do you want them to sign up for a service? They should know the purpose of your website and what they need to do at a moment’s notice. If your call to action is unclear, people will quickly click off of your website.
Focus on the Customer
Many companies make the mistake of being egotistic in their website design. They focus on their company rather than on how their company can fill the needs of the customers. Take yourself out of your marketing shoes, and walk in your customers shoes for a while. How can your desired action help your customer fulfill their needs?
Make your website easy to find on the Internet. Search engines are a popular choice companies use to generate attention in their website. The number of people using various sites like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others is staggering and an excellent method for accessing customers. Other companies create their own company social networking accounts. For both of these methods, professionalism should be prioritized.
Customer Reviews
Display what people are saying about your company/services. (People are influenced by what other people are saying about your services/products.)
Smart-Phone Accessibly
Today, people accessing websites via phone is greater than the number of people viewing by PC. We recommend you prioritize phone users when designing your web-page.
Your Company Name
Search engines can’t optimize your website if your company’s name is only displayed on your logo. You should place the name of your company in the text of your website so when people search the name of your company, they will be led to your website.
Push for Quality
Companies should definitively push for quality content in your website. In the past, some search engines prioritized websites that listed keywords many times in the website. In their attempt to get their website placed among the top-ten search results for a search, companies would insert the name of various search keywords as many times as they could. However, major search engines are attempting to improve search results for their customers and have changed the way they prioritize searches. Now, major search engines attempt to prioritize websites with high quality content and links. Thus, to prioritize your website, we strongly recommend you focus on quality.
Your website represents your business. It is like the sign and display in a store. If people are bored by your website, they will quickly leave. If they are confused by dead-end-links, non-existent products, or expired offers on your website, they will get discouraged and leave. There are too many other other good websites on the Internet for them to take time to figure out how to operate your website. Your website is your 24 hour sales-lead machine. It is always day in some corner of the world. Make your website attractive to your audience so the “doors” to your business are always open and inviting customers to enter and browse.
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