This article is all about generating website traffic and build a steady flow of visitors to your site. The aim of a website is generally to provide a window of one's offers on a platform where a good deal of people can get access. A website is nothing more than a 'storefront,' in a way, providing a catalog of products, services and information, depending on the area of expertise of the one behind the site.
The aim of a website is generally to provide a window of one's offers on a platform where a good deal of people can get access. A website is nothing more than a 'storefront,' in a way,

providing a catalog of products, services and information, depending on the area of expertise of the one behind the site. The general aim then is to get the maximum number of people to view this window, be interested in its
content, and then make them loyal followers who will come back repeatedly to the site.
Through traffic, owners can also see which pages are more popular and which are less visited, helping to know where their strengths and weaknesses lay. This data can further help them to determine trends on the site, and tailor their offers accordingly by remaining one step ahead of the game.
Thus, generating traffic and increasing it is a major concern of site owners. Whether a site caters to marketing products or to providing information on a specific topic, traffic will be the general indicator of its success and popularity, and consequently, of its survival - survival of the fittest on the Net referring to the site that receives best traffic.
Consequently, the aim of sites is to increase traffic. This differs slightly depending on the type of site. Marketing sites, provided by Internet marketers and Internet business owners, will want to increase their traffic to get more unique visitors and also to keep their returning visitors, ensuring that the products they offer are seen and considered
by a wider number of potential clients. Content sites, for marketers and Internet business owners that offer information on a narrowly-defined topic and that generate revenue through advertising, will want to increase the number of page views (and, thus, click-throughs) of the site so as to increase the scope of penetration of their content.
How To Start Generating Daily Traffic
Traffic can be increased through the following strategies, such as:
- Search engine optimization
- Increased visibility on the Net
- Links to and from other sites (i.e. reciprocal and one-way) - an easy way to increase presence on the web.
- Interesting add-ons on the site
- Increasing the amount of time each customer spends on the site - making sure all the pages are viewed, instead of only the home page/link destination page, thus generating more page views, an indicator of good traffic.
- Making the most popular pages even more popular and increasing internal links to the site's other pages to encourage views.
- Forum-involvement and blog commenting
- Use of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter
- Advertising - such as the purchase of bulk email, pop up ads, inpage advertising, as well as the purchase of traditional and non-Internet based advertising.
Of all these options, which cover only a very small part of how traffic can be increased, advertising seems to be the most popular.
Paid advertising is an e-marketing concept that enjoys a good
reputation to generate traffic. Concepts such as banner advertising and pay per click are the most well-known and sought-after. Banner advertising has somewhat evolved to pop-up ads features when it turns out that Internet viewers got used to the concept of the banner at the top of the page. Pay per click uses the concept of sponsored links on search engine results pages by buying keywords and phrases that are bound to be associated with the site's products or content.
Many site creators and business owners underestimate the impact of proactive methods. The difference here has to be made between two concepts, namely natural traffic and organic traffic.